Products Pages
Products Pages

Knowledge Base

It is important to advertise your customers about your loyalty program. Therefore, showing loyalty information on your shop and product pages can help a lot in motivating your customers.

In WooRewards, you have full control over what you display in both pages. Here’s how to use this feature.

Shop Page

The shop page is the page where you display a list of products to your customers. To add information about your loyalty program, go to the following page :

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Menu entry
Shop Page Preview

Once you’re on the page, you’ll first see some instructions on how to use the feature and the shortcodes you can use.

Since you have total control over the content, you can use this feature to display information unrelated to your loyalty program and use shortcodes from other plugins.

Let’s review the different options at your disposal

  • Display Location : Select where you want to display the specific content
    • Not displayed : Default value. You don’t display any specific information on the shop page
    • Before Image : The specific information is displayed above all other product information
    • After Description : The information will be visible below the product’s title
    • After Price : The information will be visible below the product’s price
    • Below Add to Cart : This is the most common location. You will show the loyalty information below every other product information.
  • Regular Products Content : Use this text area to set the content you want to display for regular products.
  • Variable Products Content : Use this text area to set the content you want to display for variable products.

You can add html to the content area for a better display. Go into the input area and click on the Text tab on the top right of the area. Here’s an example of content you can set :

[wr_product_points]<div class="wr-wrapper" style="margin-top: 20px;">
    <div class="wr-icon lws-icon-cockade"></div>
    <div class="wr-content">Earn <b>[points]</b></div>

And here’s how it will look :

Points Preview

Edit the content to your liking and save your settings.

Product Page

The product page is the page where you display the details of a product to your customers. To add information about your loyalty program, go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
Product Page Preview

Once you’re on the page, you’ll first see some instructions on how to use the feature and the shortcodes you can use.

Since you have total control over the content, you can use this feature to display information unrelated to your loyalty program and use shortcodes from other plugins.

Let’s review the different options at your disposal

  • Display Location : Select where you want to display the specific content
    • Not displayed : Default value. You don’t display any specific information on the produdct page
    • Top of Product Summary : The specific information is displayed above all other product information
    • Before Product Summary : You will display the information before the product’s title
    • After Short Description : This is the most common location. You will show the loyalty information below the product’s short description.
    • Before Quantity : After product specific details and before the quantity
    • After Add to Cart : The information will be visible below the product’s price
    • After Product Summary : Display the information in the block below the product image
  • Regular Products Content : Use this text area to set the content you want to display for regular products.
  • Variable Products Content : Use this text area to set the content you want to display for variable products.

You can add html to the content area for a better display. Go into the input area and click on the Text tab on the top right of the area. Here’s an example of content you can set :

[wr_product_points]<div class="wr-wrapper" style="margin-top: 20px;">
    <div class="wr-icon lws-icon-cockade"></div>
    <div class="wr-content">Buy this product to earn <b>[points]</b></div>

And here’s how it will look :

Points Preview

Edit the content to your liking and save your settings.

Two forms of the shortcode

For details about the shortcode attributes, see WooRewards inline documentation.

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Menu entry

As for a lot of shortcode, this one can be used in a short form and a long/content form.

Short form


This one will only display the points amount or an empty string if no points can be earned by the current user for the current product. Useful if you want to show points alone.

Long Content form

[wr_product_points]Earn [points][/wr_product_points]

In this one, you could include a whole sentence that will only be displayed if points can be earned by the current user for the current product. Here you have to use a placeholder in your sentence that will be replace by the value the shortcode returns in its short form. Three placeholders exist relative to the argument value:

  • [points] : Number of points earned for a regular product. Displays a points range for variable products.
  • [points_min] : For variable products, displays the minimum of points that can be earned.
  • [points_max] : For variable products, displays the maximum of points that can be earned.

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