Bronze, Silver and Gold
Bronze, Silver and Gold

Knowledge Base

Welcome to the Bronze, Silver and Gold Tutorial. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use leveling systems to offer permanent discounts on the website depending on the customer’s level.

In this loyalty program, there’s only one way to earn points : spend money. When customers spend money, they earn points towards the next level. When they reach a new level, they earn the rewards of that level.

The rewards are as follows :

50 Points
  • Bronze User title
  • 2% permanent discount
  • One time $1O discount
500 Points
  • Silver User title
  • 10% permanent discount
  • A Free Product
1500 Points
  • Gold User title
  • 20% permanent discount
  • Permanent Free Shipping

Create the system

Let’s start by creating the points and rewards system and set the basic options. First, go to the following page and create your system :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
Add a leveling points and rewards system

You’re redirected to a new page. This is where you set up all the details of your system. Since this one is a very simple one, all you have to do for now is give it a name and save.

You should notice a Title input glowing in the General Settings group. Name your system how you want and hit the Save Changes button on the top right of the page.

Action to perform

In this system, customers can only earn points by spending money. Therefore, we’ll add this action right away.

Follow these steps

Points Group
Click Add
Spend Money
Click Next

You will then see several options. Please set the following options :

  • Money spent : Set the value to 1
  • Earned points : Set the value to 1
  • Use amount after discount : Check the box

Click the Save button.

With these settings, customers will earn 1 point for every $1 they spend. That’s all there is to do for the actions part. It’s now time to move on to the levels and rewards.

Levels and Rewards

We’ll now add the 3 levels and their rewards. Let’s start with the Bronze Level.


In the levels and rewards group, click the Add Level button. You have 2 fields to fill :

  • Points Threshold : This is how many points customers need to reach that level. Set it to 50
  • Level Title : The level’s name. Set it to Bronze

As seen above, there are 3 rewards to set at this level. Let’s set them know

Follow these steps

Levels and Rewards
Click Add
User's Status
User Title

You will then see several options. Please set the following options :

  • Customer’s title : Set it to Bronze Customer
  • Position : Choose if you want to display the title before or after the customer’s name

Click the Save button.

Now, let’s add the permanent discount :

Levels and Rewards
Click Add
Fixed/Percentage Discount

You will then see several options. Please set the following options :

  • Title : Set it to 2% Permanent Discount
  • Send Reward email : Check the box
  • Discount type : Select Percentage discount
  • Coupon amount : Set the value to 2
  • Permanent : Check the box
  • Auto-apply on next cart : Check the box
  • All other options : Leave the default value

Click the Save button.

Now, let’s add the one time discount :

Levels and Rewards
Click Add
Fixed/Percentage Discount

You will then see several options. Please set the following options :

  • Title : Set it to One Time $10 discount
  • Send Reward email : Check the box
  • Discount type : Select Fixed cart discount
  • Coupon amount : Set the value to 10
  • Auto-apply on next cart : Check the box
  • All other options : Leave the default value

That’s it for the Bronze level. Now, we’ll have to repeat the process for the 2 other levels.


In the levels and rewards group, click the Add Level button. Like previously, you have 2 fields to fill :

  • Points Threshold : This is how many points customers need to reach that level. Set it to 500
  • Level Title : The level’s name. Set it to Silver

As seen above, there are 3 rewards to set at this level. Let’s set them know

Follow these steps

Levels and Rewards
Click Add
User's Status
User Title

You will then see several options. Please set the following options :

  • Customer’s title : Set it to Silver Customer
  • Position : Choose if you want to display the title before or after the customer’s name

Click the Save button.

Now, let’s add the permanent discount :

Levels and Rewards
Click Add
Fixed/Percentage Discount

You will then see several options. Please set the following options :

  • Title : Set it to 10% Permanent Discount
  • Send Reward email : Check the box
  • Discount type : Select Percentage discount
  • Coupon amount : Set the value to 10
  • Permanent : Check the box
  • Auto-apply on next cart : Check the box
  • All other options : Leave the default value

Click the Save button.

Now, let’s add the free product :

Levels and Rewards
Click Add
Free Product

You will then see several options. Please set the following options :

  • Title : Set it to Free Product with your next order
  • Send Reward email : Check the box
  • Offered Product : Select the product(s) the customer can choose from
  • Auto-apply on next cart : Check the box
  • All other options : Leave the default value

That’s it for the Silver level. Only one level left.


In the levels and rewards group, click the Add Level button. Like previously, you have 2 fields to fill :

  • Points Threshold : This is how many points customers need to reach that level. Set it to 1500
  • Level Title : The level’s name. Set it to Gold

In this level, there are only 2 rewards to set, one of them is a 2 rewards in one. Let’s set them know

Follow these steps

Levels and Rewards
Click Add
User's Status
User Title

You will then see several options. Please set the following options :

  • Customer’s title : Set it to Gold Customer
  • Position : Choose if you want to display the title before or after the customer’s name

Click the Save button.

Now, let’s add the permanent discount :

Levels and Rewards
Click Add
Fixed/Percentage Discount

You will then see several options. Please set the following options :

  • Title : Set it to 20% Permanent Discount
  • Send Reward email : Check the box
  • Discount type : Select Percentage discount
  • Coupon amount : Set the value to 20
  • Permanent : Check the box
  • Auto-apply on next cart : Check the box
  • Also gives free shipping : Check the box
  • All other options : Leave the default value

This reward gives both the 20% discount and the free shipping

To use offer free shipping, you must enable free shipping coupons in WooCommerce. Follow the instructions in this documentation to set it up.

That’s it for the Gold level. Your program is now ready. However, before starting it, it’s time to let your customers know it exists and how it works.

Inform your customers

Having a nice loyalty program is only useful if you manage to advertise your customers successfully about it. That’s why WooRewards provides a lot of ways to inform your customers about your loyalty program. We’ll know use some of these features for this loyalty program.

My Account Loyalty Page

The My Account page is the page in which customers can see all their account details, including their loyalty information. This page is the best place to show to your customers their current points, the rewards they can earn, redeem or their level.

Follow these steps

WordPress Admin
My Account - Loyalty

You will then see several options. Please set the following options :

  • Enable : Check the box
  • Tab title : Leave the default value
  • Slug : Set it to loyalty
  • Role restriction : Leave this part empty
  • Content page : There should already by a Loyalty and Rewards page defined here.
    If there isn’t, click the Create a new default page button

Click the Save button.

WooRewards creates a default page to display on the My Account section of your website. This default page presents all the relevant information for this loyalty program. However, you can edit the page how you want.

Cart Page

We will display two things to your customers on the cart page. A list of the rewards they can redeem with their points, with the possibility to apply them directly, and an information block showing how many points they can earn for placing the current order.

Follow these steps

WordPress Admin
Cart Page Content

The first text field lets you display information below the products and before the cart totals. We’ll use this place to display a list of available rewards. Set the following shortcode in the Between Products and Totals option :

[wr_available_coupons buttons="true"]

For the Aside From Totals option, set this :

<h2>Earn loyalty points for placing this order :</h2>

Click the Save button.

If you want to display more informations, you can use other available shortcodes in the dedicated part of this documentation.

New order email

Since customers will earn points by placing orders on your website, using WooCommerce’s new order emails is a good way to advertise your customers. In the new order email, you can show to your customers how many points they earned by placing the order.

Follow these steps

WordPress Admin
Order Email Points Information

Once you’re in the group settings, set the following values :

  • Enable Email message : Check the box
  • Enable Thanks Page Message : Check the box
  • Enable Order Details Message : Leave the box unchecked
  • Points and Rewards System : Select your Easy Start system
  • Email text : set it to With this order, you will earn [wr_wc_order_points]

Click the Save button.

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