Registration Anniversary
Registration Anniversary

Knowledge Base

The Registration’s anniversary action is used to give points to users every year.

Registration anniversary
The website checks today’s date to see if users have created an account the same date, another year
Points distribution
Users registered the same day receive points

This is a useful method to remind your customers to come and check your website. Like for the Birthday, this action is best used on its own points and rewards system.

Set up the action

To add this customer action, you first need to create a points and rewards system. If you haven’t already, please create one by following this part of the documentation.

Now that you are in the points and rewards system edition, do the following

Follow these steps

Points Group
Click Add
Select Miscellaneous
Select Registration's anniversary

In the popup, you’ll see a lot of options. Let’s detail them below so that you understand how to use them.

Action to perform

  • Action title : Name of the action. This information will be displayed to your customers. You can rename it how you want.

Points settings

  • Earned points : The amount of points earned.


This event is triggered once a day from the Website CRON.
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