Points Inactivity Expiration
Points Inactivity Expiration

Knowledge Base

Customers will receive this email when their points are about to expire for inactivity.

To customize this email, go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
Points Expiration Reminder

Set the following options :

  • Subject : The mail’s subject. Choose a title that will draw your customer’s attention.
  • Preheader : This short text (50-100 characters) is very useful. Most email clients will display this text right under the email subject before the recipient opens it. Therefore, it will help you to get your customer’s attention.
  • Days : Set how many days before points expiry the email will be sent. You can set multiple values, comma separated.
  • Link to your site : Set this to redirect customers to a specific page of your website when they click it in the email.
  • Styling Tool : Use the provided styling tool to customize the appearance of the email. You can modify some texts and add your own html code in some areas.

Under the email customization tool, you have the possibility to send a test email to the email address of your choice. Simply fill the email address and click on the Send test email button.

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