
Knowledge Base - 9 July 2024

  • Dev - Update asset AdminPanel 5.5.6

5.3.5 - 8 July 2024

  • Tag - WordPress 6.6

5.3.4 - 19 June 2024

  • Tag - WooCommerce 9.0
  • Fix - Hidden option: referral backlink
  • Fix - Cast errors depending on some php setup
  • Update - Translations
  • Fix - Event Cooldown rolling period bad datetime format
  • Tweak - WooCommerce Cart/Checkout new Bloc layout inline documentation

5.3.3 - 15 May 2024

  • Tag - WooCommerce 8.9
  • Tag - WordPress 6.5
  • Tweak - Workaround for double points due to poorly coded HPOS support in third party plugins
  • Update - Embed the new translation PHP file format

5.3.2 - 21 March 2024

  • Tag - WooCommerce 8.7
  • Fix - Ignore malformed date of birth

5.3.1 - 11 March 2024

  • Tag - WooCommerce 8.6
  • Fix - Broken Access Control vulnerability
  • Tweak - PHP 8.2 deprecated
  • Feature - Point earning method can include order fees in calculation
  • Feature - attribute to show pointsoncart widget only if points
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Feature - Add new placeholders in points formulas

5.3.0 - 12 February 2024

  • Tag - WooCommerce 8.5
  • Feature - Add customer origin option for First Order action
  • Dev - Includes new user status on new sponsorship hook
  • Dev - Support javascript strict mode for checklist controls
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Feature - Add new placeholders in points formulas

5.2.9 - 15 January 2024

  • MyRewards:
    • Tag - WooCommerce 8.4
    • Fix - points rounding on money spending
    • Fix - set blog id on points import, transactional expiry support
    • Fix - support for no order status selected for points earning
    • Improvement - points on cart more resilient to poor third party plugin
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Fix - wr_order_points_preview shortcode out of cart context
    • Improvement - documentation

5.2.8 - 6 December 2023

  • MyRewards:
    • Quality of life - Support tag added by some content editors into shortcodes
    • Tweak - Support no order status to trigger order computing
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Feature - new API routes for badge data
    • Fix - cart point preview update when placed multiple times into a same page
    • Feature - new option to set if free products give points or not
    • Fix - Reading of wr_next_level_points shortcode currency attribute
    • Fix - point formating bug on currency singular/plural switch

5.2.7 - 21 November 2023

  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Fix - Bug on loyalty system copy action

5.2.6 - 20 November 2023

  • MyRewards :
    • Tag - WordPress 6.4
    • Tag - WooCommerce 8.3
    • Feature - HPOS Order bulk action list - force points computing action
    • Fix - Use WooRewards without WooCommerce
    • Tweak - shortcode attribute example
    • Improvement - Foldable shortcode attributes descriptions
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Feature - HPOS Order bulk action list - add points removing action
    • Improvement - More detailed style in new reward email

5.2.5 - 24 October 2023

  • MyRewards :
    • Feature - Restrict points on cart to product categories
    • Feature - Support for Individual Use Solver for WooCommerce Coupons plugin
    • Feature - New option showcurrency for pointsbalance shortcode
    • Feature - New option layout for wr_referral_link shortcode
    • Fix - let add points on cart buttons enabled if no discount applied
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Fix - Singular point display name saving
    • Fix - Shortcode wr_order_points_preview bug when several free product coupons on cart
    • Dev - refactor user birthday event

5.2.4 - 26 September 2023

  • MyRewards :
    • Tag - WooCommerce 8.1
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Feature - Display points as a float value by shifting digits
    • Fix - WooCommerce only accept plain text on thanks page

5.2.3 - 11 September 2023

  • Fix - User point history sort with some date format
  • Fix - Loyalty System Order notes metabox update
  • Fix - German translation
  • Feature - WCML Support - 4 September 2023

  • Fix - scalar/array issue on order refund

5.2.2 - 29 August 2023

  • MyRewards :
    • Tag - WordPress 6.3
    • Tag - WooCommerce 8.0
    • Feature - Process past order in WooCommerce order page bulk action
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Improvement - add a link between email sponsorship styling and settings in UI

5.2.1 - 8 August 2023

  • MyRewards :
    • Optimization - User's order count request
    • Feature - log time as tooltip over user history date cell in admin part.
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Feature - Custom reward new options
    • Fix - Remove WooCommerce logs about feature enabled for unknown plugin
    • Fix - Missing table wp_lws_wr_tinyurls

5.2.0 - 26 July 2023

  • Upgrades - WooCommerce HPOS supported.

5.1.0 - 17 July 2023

  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Feature - Generated coupon usage limit field
    • Tweak - rename permanent setting to exclusive reward


  • Features - Allow apply coupon button from outside the cart
  • Fix - Prevent losing my-account page if rules are re-written from a user without role

5.0.11 - 3 July 2023

  • Fix - No round up of points when threshold effect off
  • Tweak - Dokan support, generate coupon with Enable for all vendors 'On' by default

5.0.10 - 28 June 2023

  • Tag - WooCommerce 7.8
  • MyRewards :
    • Features - Set reason for points import
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Features - Select different image sizes for reward thumbnails
    • Features - Button label option in shortcode 'wr_available_rewards' - 9 June 2023

  • Fix - Social share button styling
  • Fix - Import Loyalty system choice loading

5.0.9 - 7 June 2023

  • MyRewards :
    • Features - Import/Export points moved to free version
    • Features - Support for 'Coupon Individual-use Solver for WooCommerce' plugin
    • Upgrades - New documentation links
    • Fix - Loyalty mode not switched in wizard
    • Fix - price format for Points on cart display
    • Fix - Default user points column mix-up
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Features - Order count filtered by order status in events
    • Fix - Cooldown settings hidden in achievement
    • Upgrades - New documentation links

5.0.8 - 18 April 2023

  • MyRewards :
    • Tag - WordPress 6.2
    • Tag - WooCommerce 7.6
    • Fix - Bug on get points with cache protect (raised by addon: points-sync)
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Tweak - translations and naming, sponsor becomes referral
    • Features - REST API permissions per user capabilities

5.0.7 - 27 March 2023

  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Minor fix - Referral wizard, points on referral first order

5.0.6 - 21 March 2023

  • MyRewards :
    • Tag - WooCommerce 7.5
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Feature - Permanent-coupon override can be limited to the points and rewards systems it belongs to
    • Feature - Free product coupon can be permanent
    • Feature - Free product coupon can grant free shipping
    • Improvement - Shortcode Style ,

5.0.5 - 2 March 2023

  • Fix - border style option pattern control

5.0.4 - 1 March 2023

  • Fix - hide order note from comments
  • Improve - New styling options

5.0.3 - 23 February 2023

  • Fix - wp_redirect called too soon

5.0.2 - 20 February 2023

  • Improvement - move loyalty system order notes in its own metabox
  • Fix - Points Export button not working
  • Tag - WooCommerce 7.4

5.0.1 - 13 February 2023

  • Quick fix - undefined wp_cache_flush_group

5.0.0 - 7 February 2023

  • MyRewards :
    • New administration interface
    • New starting page with documentation
    • New feature - give points for referral orders
    • New feature - give points for money spent by referees
    • New feature - Referral Link display
    • New feature - Styling options for front-end display
    • New feature - List to display existing referrals
    • Tag - WooCommerce 7.3
    • Reworked Wizard
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • New administration interface
    • UX improvements and better page organization
    • New feature - Styling options for front-end display
    • New feature - Display custom content on products archives
    • New feature - Display custom content on product pages
    • New feature - Place an order : Add max order amount restriction
    • Improvement - Reworked Wizard
    • Improvement - Achievements interface reworked
    • Improvement - Add order notes regarding points earned
    • Improvement - Free product reward : Use custom description if set
    • Improvement - Achievements : Possibility to create badges directly
    • Improvement - Delete user data : Also deletes referral information
    • Bugfix - Repeated clicks on unlock buttons leading to extra reward generation
    • Bugfix - Transactional points expiration shortcode
    • Dev - Referrals event type name changed

4.9.10 - 19 December 2022

  • MyRewards :
    • Tag - WooCommerce 7.2
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Fix - List input of URL to visit for points
    • Dev - Add conveniencies on Badges

4.9.9 - 5 December 2022

  • MyRewards :
    • Style - new display layout available for 'points on cart' bloc
    • Tweak - Hide internal meta in Order edition
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Fix - Free product popup display on checkout page
    • Fix - Edit 'assign role' reward shows a bad role value
    • Feature - Cooldown can be rolling or periodic
    • Feature - System can adapt user level rewards on order refund
    • Feature - Support for 'Rymera Loyalty Program' points export
    • Feature - Support for 'Loyalty program for WooCommerce' points export - 16 November 2022

  • Fix - My account page with legacy content

4.9.8 - 15 November 2022

  • MyRewards :
    • Tag - WordPress 7.1
    • Tag - WooCommerce 6.1
    • Feature - Option to force cart refresh on points-on-cart
    • Fix - Point expression display in admin screen
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Feature - Event trigger max count
    • Feature - new shortcode
    • Feature - new attributes ’unavailable’, ’available’ in shortcode
    • Fix - Birthday event could trigger twice

4.9.7 - 28 September 2022

  • Fix - Max points usage for points on cart with multicurrency

4.9.6 - 19 September 2022

  • MyRewards :
    • Compatibility update
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Add - Method to earn points - Sponsored buys in categories
    • Add - Method to earn points - Sponsored buys specific products - 5 September 2022

  • MyRewards :
    • Dev - Convenience methods
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Fix - typo
    • Tweak - Migration namespace renamed - 30 August 2022

  • Fix - checklist search field

4.9.5 - 25 August 2022

  • MyRewards :
    • Update - WooCommerce tested up to 6.8
    • Fix - email CSS inliner
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Add - CSS class per badges
    • Dev - new hooks for points on cart
    • Dev - Conveniency to run alongside lws-referral-codes

4.9.4 - 11 July 2022

  • MyRewards :
    • Add - Points history shortcode - New points total column
    • Add - Points history shortcode - Reorder columns
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Add - Spend Money - Removed the restriction between Categories and "Use amount after discount" options
    • Add - Customers List - Show level in addition to points
    • Add - Leveling systems - Display if a role replaces a previous role or adds it
    • Add - Points expressions - Add order amount
    • Add - API - Possibility to edit the points and rewards systems
    • Fix - Unlock a reward - Added security to prevent quick clicks
    • Tweak - Improved the request to increase performance on first order method to earn points

4.9.3 - 13 June 2022

  • MyRewards :
    • Tweak - Points history shortcode - show all if no system set
    • Add - Points history shortcode - Possibility to set columns headers
    • Fix - Points on cart ajax error on cart page update for unlogged user
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Add - Points for spending money includind/excluding on sale products
    • Add - Points on order events filtered by payment gateway
    • Tweak - json export for all users, even if they have no points

4.9.2 - 16 May 2022

  • MyRewards :
    • Add - Point and cart header text edition
    • Add - New translations
    • Fix - Prevent saving a full object in order item meta
    • Fix - Support SQL ANSI mode
    • Fix - Empty page after renaming a new System
    • Fix - Scrolling in earning point method selection
    • Tweak - Force to set integers or expression for points
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Fix - Button text style in email
    • Fix - Sponsored orders gave no points if passed as guest
    • Update - Inline shortcode example
    • Update - Renamed birthday fields, user value must be in past

4.9.1 - 19 April 2022

  • No mails sent by default
  • Require user confirmation before processing past orders
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Fix New earned reward popup closing tag
    • Fix sponsor by email usage limit

4.9.0 - 22 March 2022

  • MyRewards :
    • Performance improvement on customer search in the backend
    • WooCommerce 6.3 support
    • Use formula as earning points value
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Popups : New free product cart popup version
    • Popups : New earned reward popup version
    • Fix cart coupon list refresh
    • Fix order points preview refresh
    • Fix wr_transactional_points_expiration shortcode displayed values
    • Add system attribute in shortcode
    • Legacy : Existing free product popup moved to legacy
    • Legacy : Existing reward popup moved to legacy

4.8.1 - 7 March 2022

  • MyRewards :
    • Minor improvements
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Add Sponsored role restriction

4.8.0 - 21 February 2022

  • MyRewards :
    • Bugfix: Points on Cart display
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Adaptative Levels : In leveling systems, users can lose their levels and corresponding rewards if points are spent or if they expire.
    • Rewards : You can now set a maximum amount of times a reward can be redeemed.
    • New Shortcode : Order Points Preview. Replaces the previous cart points preview shortcode with more options.
    • New Shortcode : Conditional Display. Use this advanced shortcode to display content only to customers who meet the specified requirements.
    • New Shortcode : Reward Button. Set a simple button to unlock a specific reward.
    • Points on Cart : Added the possibility to specify a minimum amount of points to use.
    • User Data : Possibility to delete users points history, points and other data
    • Points Reserves : Possibility to delete unused points reserves.
    • Available Rewards Shortcode : Added the possibility to redirect users to a specific page
    • Free Product Reward : Fixed a bug where the product wasn't added on an empty cart
    • User Role Reward : No longer replaces the administrator role.
    • Points on Cart : The showall option is no longer mandatory
    • Legacy Mode : Cart Points Preview tool is moved to legacy.

4.7.0 - 25 January 2022

  • MyRewards :
    • New Shortcode : Points Balance
    • New Shortcode : Available Coupons
    • New Feature : Display the content you want, including shortcodes on the cart page
    • New Feature : Display the content you want, including shortcodes on the checkout page
    • Legacy Mode : Some existing features become legacy features and won't be available for new users. They are replaced by other features
    • Users List : Add new sorting filter
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • New Shortcode : Points Balance
    • New Shortcode : Available Coupons
    • New Shortcode : Available Rewards. Possibility to unlock and apply them to the cart in one click
    • New Feature : My Account page rework. You can now use a standard WordPress page to display your loyalty content in the My Account Loyalty Tab
    • New Feature : Shortcodes Summary. Find the shortcodes you want more easily with this summary
    • New Feature : Display the content you want, including shortcodes on the cart page
    • New Feature : Display the content you want, including shortcodes on the checkout page
    • Legacy Mode : Some existing features become legacy features and won't be available for new users. They are replaced by other features

4.6.3 - 1 December 2021

  • Undo points on Order refund line per line

4.6.2 - 22 November 2021

  • Add localization of few sponsorship mailing widget text

4.6.1 - 21 October 2021

  • Fix filter show_points

4.6.0 - 21 October 2021

  • MyRewards :
    • WooCommerce 5.8 support
  • WooRewards Pro :
    • Show Points Preview in Product list items
    • Fix Free product Coupon amount
    • French Translations - 5 October 2021

  • Fix custom My Account slug

4.5.3 - 5 October 2021

  • MyRewards :
    • Fix shortcode
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Fix shortcode
    • Fix redirection on reward popup validation
    • Fix WPML translation in product choice popup
    • Fix not loaded translation of My Account titles
    • Unflag cancelled orders - 24 September 2021

  • Fix crash on new system creation

4.5.2 - 22 September 2021

  • MyRewards :
    • Performance Improvement
    • Bugfix - multi currency points on cart
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • New shortcode : Transactional points expiration
    • Performance Improvement
    • Remove PHP Session on reward popup
    • Various bugfixes

4.5.1 - 13 September 2021

  • MyRewards :
    • WC 5.6 support
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Max points usage on cart
    • New shortcode to show when points expire
    • Bugfix on cart points preview
    • Bugfix auto apply on permanent coupons

4.5.0 - 10 August 2021

  • MyRewards :
    • German translation
    • Use reward title in user point history
    • Minor fix in shortcode
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • New convenience shortcode
    • Fix leaderboard widget
    • Report Order points earning in several location

4.4.1 - 28 July 2021

  • MyRewards :
    • New ultimate member 'um-public' option in 3 shortcodes to display public information
    • New shortcode 'wr_points_value' to show the points value in the current currency
    • New option to set a coupon prefix on generated WooCommerce coupons
    • New option to set the coupon code length on generated WooCommerce coupons.
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • New ultimate member 'um-public' option in 8 shortcodes to display public information
    • Reward title used if set in My Account - Loyalty rewards description

4.3.0 - 2 July 2021

  • MyRewards :
    • Add hook for coupon reward generation
    • Use events title in history
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Improve referral QR Code readability


  • Fix: Points on Cart with Subscription Product
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • New shortcodes in email 'New Reward'
    • Feature: Loyalty System loading order
    • Fix: Auto-applied Free Product requiring minimum cart total


  • Add translation
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Fix point earning method: visit page / recurrent visit

4.2.7 - 17 March 2021

  • MyRewards :
    • Fix some translation
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Fix product points preview for product variations


  • MyRewards :
    • Coupons : Restriction per product
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Fix Points on cart for duplicated systems


  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Coupons : Auto-apply also works on direct checkout
    • Fix Sponsored user registration point earning


  • WooCommerce 5.2 support
    • Fix event date reading when post does not support floating_date
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Achievements : Restriction to specific roles
    • Product Variations : Display variation ID in selectors
    • Add debug information about user birthdays
    • Fix Facebook connect button hiding


  • MyRewards :
    • Points on cart : Change the value of a point display
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Points on cart : Multi-Currency display fix


  • MyRewards :
    • New feature : Allow sorting by points in customers management
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Bugfix : Sponsored orders Multi-Currency
    • Bugfix : Cooldown on methods to earn points


  • MyRewards :
    • Bugfix : Save changes on points and rewards system

4.2.0 - 15 March 2021

  • MyRewards :
    • New feature : Cooldown on product review
    • Redirection to the wizard on plugin activation.
    • WordPress 5.7 support
    • Bugfix : Points on cart max amount button
    • Points on cart : displayed even if no points
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • New Feature : Multi Currency support
    • New Feature : Facebook Webhooks support
    • New Widget : Facebook Login
    • New Feature : Earn points on facebook page post like
    • New Feature : Earn points on facebook page post comment
    • New Feature : Cooldown before earning points again
    • REST API : Possibility to specify a reason when changing points
    • Email Sponsorship : Add link customization
    • Generate points reward : Reset rewards
    • Bugfix : Social Share, unique visitors

  • WooCommerce 5.1 support
  • Code Review
  • Fix lost WPML translations

  • Minor fix


  • Fix Sponsorship constrained Earning methods
  • Fix User list filters


  • MyRewards :
    • Bugfix : Points were deduced too soon when used to discount orders
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Bugfix : Sponsorship features not working properly
    • Various Emails : Add new URL field

4.1.0 - 12 January 2021

  • MyRewards :
    • Place an order → Use amount after discount option
    • Spend Money → Use amount after discount option
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • Guest Orders → Try to find WooCommerce User Account
    • Spend Money → Add Sponsorship origin
    • Place an order → Add Sponsorship origin
    • Buy in category → Add Sponsorship origin
    • Buy specific products → Add Sponsorship origin
    • Buy specific products → Possibility to select multiple products
    • Free Product reward → Possibility to select multiple products
    • Free Product reward → Popup on cart/checkout page to choose the free product
    • Data Management → Add Import Button
    • Points on cart → New information on widgets and endpoints
    • Possibility to set permanent coupons on standard systems
    • Generate Points → Possibility to reset levels
    • Points and Rewards Systems → Possibility to deny roles


  • Fix name conlifct on simple_html_dom
  • PHP session only used with Rewards Popup


  • Minor fix

4.0.0 - 7 December 2020

  • MyRewards :
    • New administration interface
    • New starting page with documentation
    • Give points for product reviews
    • Points on cart reward
    • New shortcodes page
    • Reworked Wizard
    • Order status to give points
  • MyRewards Pro :
    • New administration interface
    • New starting page with documentation
    • Points and Rewards - Set Event details
    • Points and Rewards - Change Points Reserve
    • Points and Rewards - Manual Unlock by default
    • Points and Rewards - New options for automatic unlock
    • Points and Rewards - Events now take advantage of Timezones
    • Points - Set affected orders on actions to earn points
    • Points - Add custom post types in "Comment a post"
    • Rewards - Points on cart with extra options
    • Rewards - Add Maximum spend restriction on coupons
    • Wizard - Reworked Standard System
    • My Account - Keep Points and Rewards systems order
    • New order email - Added new placeholders
    • Data Management - Import and Export points
    • Data Management - Delete data on uninstall
    • New shortcodes page
    • New shortcode - Customers Leaderboard
    • New licensing system
    • Bugfix - Progress bar shortcode when system is off
    • Bugfix - Reward unlock order on linked systems
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