Points for Coupon
Points for Coupon

Knowledge Base

This FREE add-on allows you to give points to customers when they use a WooCommerce coupon on an order.


First you need to download and install the Add-On. Go to the following page:

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
Points for Coupon

Click the Download link to download the plugin’s zip file. Once you have the file, do the following:

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
Add New
Upload Plugin

Select your zip file and upload it. At the end of the process, click on Activate.


Now that the Add-On is active, you can set it up inside your points and rewards system. As usual, go to this page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
Points and Rewards

In the points section, add a new method to earn points. Select Use a coupon and click the next button.

In the following screen set how many points customers earn when using a WooCommerce coupon. In addition, you can filter which coupon codes give points or not.

Here is an example of some filter values you can use :

  • ABCDEF : The coupon code must be ABCDEF
  • ABC* : The coupon code must begin with ABC
  • ABC??? : The coupon code must be 6 characters long and begin with ABC
  • AB*FG : The coupon code must begin with AB and finish with FG

Once your settings are complete, save them.

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