Combining Systems
Combining Systems

Knowledge Base

The possibility to set up multiple points and rewards systems is the main strength of WooRewards. It allows unlimited variations and possibilities for your loyalty program. In this section, we will see how to use multiple points and rewards systems, separately or combined.

Multiple points and rewards systems

In WooRewards Pro, you can create as many points and rewards systems as you want. It means you can have different behaviors depending on what the customer does. Let’s take an example and create 3 points and rewards systems :

In this example, we created 3 independent points and rewards systems :

  • 1 : The main system is used to reward customers when they order on your website
  • 2 : The birthday system will send a coupon to customers for their birthday
  • 3 : The sponsorship system will reward customers that bring new people to your shop

As you can see, each system is independent from the other ones. Customers can earn points and rewards in these 3 systems, depending on their actions.

However, in WooRewards Pro, you can go a lot further and combine loyalty systems together.

Combine points and rewards systems

Combining points and rewards systems means that you create several points and rewards systems, but instead of being independent from each other, they will share the same points reserve :

If we combine 2 systems, customers can perform the actions set in either system and earn points in the shared points reserve. They can then use these points to unlock rewards from either the first or the second system.

Said like that, it doesn’t seem very interesting. You could set all actions and rewards in a single system and the result would be the same. And you would be right. But what makes this feature strong is that you can add restrictions to points and rewards systems.

Double points event

Let’s take a simple example of how to use the shared points feature. We want to create an event for one week. During this week, customers will earn twice the points. Here’s how the points and rewards systems would look like :

As you can see, the event system has some particularities :

The methods to earn points are the same than the ones of the main loyalty system. It means that if users perform an action that gives them points in the main points and rewards system, they will also get the same amount of points from the event. Since the 2 systems share their points → Customers will receive twice the points.

The event is limited in time. We set a start and end date so that customers can only receive twice the points for a limited period of time.

The event has no rewards. We only want customers to earn twice the points. They will still spend their points on the reward set in the main points and rewards system.

VIP second system

Now, we assume that we have VIP users (users with a specific role) on our websites. We want these VIP users to have more ways to earn points and more rewards to choose from. Here’s how we’re going to set up our systems :

The main points and rewards system remains unchanged. However, we’ve set another points and rewards system with special settings :

The system is restricted to customers who have the “VIP” role. Only VIP customers with that role will be able to earn points if they perform actions set in that second system.

The rewards are also restricted to VIP customers. Only VIP customers will get access to these extra rewards. And they’ll be able to user their points either on the rewards of the main system or rewards of the VIP System.

We’ve only looked at a few simple examples of how to use multiple systems, apart or together. Since you can create as many systems as you want, you have access to endless possibilities.

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