Badges & Achievements
Badges & Achievements

Knowledge Base

Video Games widely use the badges and achievements feature. However, this feature is also very effective in online stores. In fact, rewarding repeated actions ensures that your customers come back to perform these actions, if the rewards are worth it.

In most cases, earning achievements won’t be enough to keep your customers motivated. Therefore, you need to make sure that, after unlocking achievements, they receive a motivating reward !

How it works

First, you need to understand what badges and achievements are in WooRewards.


Badges are elements that can be earned in various ways. Customers can own several badges. Each badge is composed of an image, a title and a description that explains how the badge was obtained.
Earning a badge doesn’t give anything special other than owning it. However, in WooRewards, you can reward customers for owning one or several badges.

Basically, a badge is nothing else than an indicator of something the customer has. That’s why, in order to earn these badges, you should use achievements


Achievements are actions that customer need to repeat a certain number of times. Every time they repeat the action, the achievement counter goes up.
When the counter reaches the set threshold, customers will earn the corresponding badge.

Now that you’re familiar with the concepts, it’s time to move on and create some achievements and badges.

Create Achievements

In order to create achievements, go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry

First, make sure you enable the Badges & Achievements feature.

Once that’s done, look at the Achievements group. It presents a list of all your achievements and should be empty right now. Click the Add button

Before setting up the action customers will have to repeat, you need to set up the achievement and the badge reward. Here are the available options :

  • Title : The title of your achievement
  • Achievement reward : If you already created the badge for this achievement, select “Existing Badge”. Otherwise, go with the “New Badge” option.
  • Badge : Select the badge you want to give if you selected “Existing Badge” in the previous option. Otherwise, fill the badge title, description and its image.
  • Action occurences : Select the number of times customers will have to repeat the action to earn the badge
  • Allowed roles : If you want to restrict this achievement to specific user roles, select them here

You can now move on to the action itself. Select the action that customers will have to repeat and set all the parameters you want.

When you’re done, click on Save to create the achievement. That’s it, you created your first achievement. Repeat the process for all the achievements you want to have on your website.

Badges and Rarity

There is a specific page where you can see and edit your badges and you will find it in your WordPress’ admin menu :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
Add New
Sub Menu Entry

There are several fields to fill in the badge edition :

  • Title : Set the title of your badge, it will be visible when customers unlock it
  • Badge Image : The badge popup will display this image and it will also be visible if you use the badge in a points and rewards system
  • Description : A brief description of the badge

Set the values and save your badge. It’s now available if you want to use it in your loyalty program.

The other important part is badge rarity. In fact, badge rarity will help you motivate your customers to perform achievements. When customers earn a badge, they can see what percentage of customers already own that badge. By default, badges range between common and legendary. However, you can add your own rarity levels in the achievements settings page.

Display achievements progress

After setting up your achievements, it’s important for customers to see their current progress in achieving them. For that, you have 2 methods that we’ll detail here.

My Account – Achievements Page

You can set up a specific tab in the My Account page to display customer’s achievements and progress. Go to the following page to set it up :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry

Place your mouse over the WooCommerce Tab to see the dropdown menu and click on “My Account – Achievements”.

Once you’re there, you’ll have several options to choose from. Enable the page and edit it according to your likings. For more information on My Account Tabs, check this documentation.


You have 2 shortcodes at your diposal to display badges and achievements. You can find how to use and style these shortcodes in this documentation.

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