Loyalty Settings
Loyalty Settings

Knowledge Base

After finishing the wizard, you will automaticall go to the settings page. You can revisit that page every time you want to edit your settings.

Points and Rewards Settings

You can go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
Points and Rewards

In this page, you’ll see your basic loyalty settings. There are 3 different option groups.

General Settings

In this group, you can start or stop your loyalty program. In addition, you can change its name.

Don’t forget to save your changes if you modify settings.


In the second group, you can set how many points customers earn when they perform actions. Here are the possible actions :

  • Points for each $ spent : Points customers will earn every time they spend one unit of your local currency
  • Points on order placed : When customers complete an order, they will earn this amount of points
  • Extra points on first order : Customers will earn extra points if that’s their first order on your website
  • Points on product review : You can give points to your customers when they review a product
  • Points for each $ spent by referee : When customers refer other people, they can earn points for each unit of your local currency they spend
  • Points on referee orders : With this action, referrers will earn a fix amount of points for each order placed by a referee.

To change settings, click the 3 dots icon in the Action column corresponding to the line you want to change. A popup will appear where you can change the values and Save.


The final group is dedicated to rewards. In the free version, you can only set one reward.

If you chose the points on cart reward, you can edit the point’s value.

If you chose a coupon reward, click the 3 dots icon in the Action column to edit the coupon.

Other Settings

In addition to your basic loyalty settings, there are some extra settings available. Go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
Other Settings

In this tab, you’ll also find 3 settings groups.

General Settings

There are several options in this group :

  • Include taxes : If checked, taxes will be included in the points earned when spending money
  • Coupon prefix : Set a prefix code that will be added on all coupon codes generated by MyRewards
  • Coupon code length : Set the length of the generated coupon code. The length comes in addition to the code prefix. Minimum length is 5.
  • Order statuses for points : Default state to get points is the processing order status. If you want to use other statuses instead, select them here
  • Deep customer search : If you have troubles with searching in WooRewards Customers administration screen, disable this option. This will speed up the search but it will take less data into account.
  • Show loading orders : For some advanced setups, managing loyalty system loading order and event trigger priority could be meaningful.

Order statuses to consume used points

These options only work if you use the Points on cart reward type.

  • Order statuses to pay discount : When customers use their points for a discount on an order, select for which order status points are deducted from the user’s points reserve
  • Order status on payment failure : Change order status if points cannot be paid after all.

Referral Features

In this group, you’ll find options related to referrals :

  • Enable Referrals : Enable the referral feature
  • Allow Referral via referral link : When a visitor comes from a referral link and registers, he will be referred by the user that posted the link.
  • Try to shorten the referral url : Disable that feature if you encounter plugin conflicts or redirection problems. Disable that feature makes bigger and less readable QR codes.
  • Alternative Short Site URL : To make the QR-Code as simple as possible, you can specify a shorter version of your site URL here that will be used as base for the image generation.
  • Max referrals per customer : Set the maximum referrals allowed for users. No restriction on empty value or zero (0).
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