This tutorial is intended for advanced users. Therefore, make sure you’re familiar with the features of WooRewards before following it.
But if you need to know more about referrals and how to set them up for your customers, check out this article first.
In this tutorial, you’re going to create 3 different systems with different goals :
Let’s begin with the most simple system.
Referee Reward
This system is very simple : Each time a referee creates an account, he earns a $5 coupon he can immediately use on his cart. Let’s start right away by creating the system. Do the following :
You’re redirected to a new page. This is where you set up all the details of your system. Since this one is a very simple one, all you have to do for now is give it a name and save.
You should notice a Title input glowing in the General Settings group. Name your system “Referee Reward” and hit the Save Changes button on the top right of the page.
Now, we’re going to give one point to referees when they create their account.
Referee Registration
Follow these steps
You will then see several options. Please set the following options :
Click the Save button.
With these settings, only customers who have been referred will earn the point when registering.
However, we need to turn this point into a reward coupon.
Coupon Reward
First, you need to enable automatic rewards redeem
First, make sure that the Rewards type is set to Rewards.
Secondly, verify that the Automatic Rewards Redeem is set to Unlock best reward first.
Now, we need to set up the coupon they will receive upon registration.
Follow these steps
You will then see several options. Please set the following options :
Click the Save button.
That’s all we need to give new referees and immediate discount. In addition, we need to start rewarding the referrers
Referrer Levels
In this second system, we’ll incentivize referrers to refer more people and keep doing it. In order to do that, we’ll use 2 features. First, the leveling part will increase the rewards they receive the more people they refer. Secondly, we’ll set a one year points expiration. As a result, referrers have to keep refering people to keep their level. Here’s a brief summary of the leveling system
- Referrer User title
- One time $5 discount
- Ambassador User title
- Free Product
- Points earned to spend on your cart are doubled
- Partner User title
- Permanent Free Shipping
- Points earned to spend on your cart are quadrupled !
Now that you know what it will look like, let’s get started. First, create your system :
In the new window, you need to enter a name for your leveling system. Here, set it to “Refferer Levels“
It’s important to remember the name of this system as we’ll use that information for the final system
Earn points for referrals
First, you need to give points to your customers when they referees spend money. In order to do that, create a new action in the actions group :
Follow these steps
You will then see several options. Please set the following options :
Click the Save button.
That’s all for the points earning part. It’s now time to set up the levels and their rewards.
Referrer Level
This first level is quite simple. After the first referral, they will receive a $5 coupon and a user title.
In the levels and rewards group, click the Add Level button. You have 2 fields to fill :
As seen above, there are 2 rewards to set at this level. Let’s set them know
Follow these steps
You will then see several options. Please set the following options :
Click the Save button.
Now, let’s add the $5 coupon discount :
You will then see several options. Please set the following options :
Click the Save button.
That’s all for the Referrer level. We can now move on to the second level
Ambassador Level
Unlike the referrer level, the ambassador level only contains one reward. You’ll set the second reward in the final points and rewards system.
In the levels and rewards group, click the Add Level button. You have 2 fields to fill :
Let’s set the reward now
Follow these steps
You will then see several options. Please set the following options :
Click the Save button.
Partner level
The partner level is almost identical to the ambassador level
In the levels and rewards group, click the Add Level button. You have 2 fields to fill :
Let’s set the reward now
Follow these steps
You will then see several options. Please set the following options :
Click the Save button.
And that’s it for the levels.
Points expiration
In order to incentivize your referrers to keep referring people, we’ll set a points expiration of 1 year. We’ll use the transactional points expiration as decribed in this documentation. If referrers stop referring new customers, they will stop receiving more points.
Referrer Reward
Now that everything else is ready, it’s time to reward your referrers. Every point they earn will be worth $0.05 and they’ll be able to use these points on their orders. As they progress, they will earn more points for each new referee order. We can sum the rewards like this :
- Referrer Level : The referrer will get 5% of his referees spent money to use on his own orders
- Ambassador Level : The referrer will get 10% of his referees spent money to use on his own orders
- Partner Level : The referrer will get 20% of his referees spent money to use on his own orders
Let’s set this up. Let’s start by creating the system. Do the following :
In the new window, name your system. Here, you should set it to “Referrer Reward“.
Important !
Before proceeding with the next step, you need to copy the reference of the previous system. Go to WooRewards → Settings → Points and Rewards and look at the systems list.
Locate the line that corresponds to the Referrer Levels system and copy the content of the Shortcode Attribute column
Points using points formulas
First, add the action that will give points to referrers. For this action, we’ll use points formulas. You can find a detailed documentation about points formulas here.
Follow these steps
You will then see several options. Please set the following options :
Click the Save button.
In the above settings, the referrer_levels value comes from the referrer levels system. Please read the information tooltip above to know where to find this value.
Points on cart reward
We finally reached the final part of this tutorial. It’s now time to let referrers use their points on carts for discounts.
In the Rewards section, make sure the reward type is set to Points on Cart. Then, set the point value to be $0.05 and leave other settings to their default value.
Save your settings.
That’s it, your referral system is now ready to start. Congratulations !