Spend Money
Spend Money
Knowledge Base
- MyRewards (Free Version) 5
- Getting Started 2
- Tutorials 4
- Features 13
- Spend Money
- Place an order
- Place a first order
- Buy Specific Products
- Buy in categories
- Product Review
- User registration
- Birthday
- Visit a post, page or url
- Send a referral email
- Referee registration
- Referee spends money
- Referee Orders
- Referee buys products
- Referee buys in categories
- Share on social networks
- Visitor clicks a social share
- Receive Badges
- Registration Anniversary
- Post a comment
- Click an image
- Publish a post
- Recurrent Visit
- Rewards 11
- WooCommerce Display 4
- Emails 7
- Shortcodes 7
- API 8
- Developer Resources 2
- The Newsletter Plugin Subscription
- MC4WP Mailchimp subscription
- Points and Rewards System Limitation
- Referrals Information
- Points History Excel Export
- Points for Coupon
- Settings Migration
- Subscription Coupon Reward
- Partial Refund Reward
- The Scheduler
- Delayed and Recurring Points
- Points Synchronization
- Play Together 2
- Translations and WPML 2
- Changelog 1
- Knowledge Base
- WooRewards
- Actions
- Spend Money
The Spend Money action is probably the most common action to give points to customers. Customers will earn points when they place an order. In addition, the amount of points they earn depends on the amount on the order’s total amount. Here’s how it works for customers.
As you can see in the above workflow, WooRewards doesn’t give points right away. The order has to get the appropriate order status for that.
Set up the action
To add this customer action, you first need to create a points and rewards system. If you haven’t already, please create one by following this part of the documentation.
Now that you are in the points and rewards system edition, do the following
Follow these steps
In the popup, you’ll see a lot of options. Let’s detail them below so that you understand how to use them.
Action to perform
- Action title : Name of the action. Your customers will see this information on various places. You can rename it how you want.
Points settings
- Money spent : The amount of money customers have to spend in order to get points.
- Earned points : The amount of points they will earn for each multiple of the Money spent value
- Max Triggers : Defines how many times this action can be triggered by each user. Leave empty for unlimited times or set an integer value.
- Use amount after discount : Check this box to deduce the coupons for calculating the amount.
- Include shipping amount : Check this box if you want the shipping fees to be included in the order amount for calculating the amount spent.
- Threshold effect : If you check it, customers will earn points for each multiple of the Money spent value. If you don’t, the system will round points to the closest value.
- Minimum order amount : Set a minimum order amount under which no points will be given.
- Currency : (only available if the currency settings is on) Set the currency that will be required to trigger this action.
- Affected orders : Choose which orders will give points or not. If left empty, all orders will give points. In addition, this field works like when you use a printer :
- 1, 5, 10 : This will give points for the first, fifth and tenth customer’s order.
- 1-5, 10-15 : This will give points for the five first customer orders and orders from ten to fifteen.
- Order created via : Set the order’s origin(s) that will give points. Useful if you have different ways to receive new orders.
- Payment gateway : Select which payment gateways the customer has to use in order to get the points.
- Order type : This option is only available if you have the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. Select if you want to give points for all orders or only subscription ones.
Allow / Deny Categories
- Allowed categories : If left empty, all bought products can give loyalty points. If you set one or more categories, only the products which belong to these categories will award points.
- Denied categories : If left empty, all bought products are taken into account. If you set one or more categories, the products which belong to these categories won’t be used.
- On Sale : Define if the points are given for all products, on sale products only or products not on sale only.
- Referral Origin : If left empty, all orders will give points. However, you can choose to only give points for orders that come from referrals.
Set all the options you need and click the Save button when you’re done.