Users Information
Users Information
Knowledge Base
- MyRewards (Free Version) 5
- Getting Started 2
- Tutorials 4
- Features 13
- Spend Money
- Place an order
- Place a first order
- Buy Specific Products
- Buy in categories
- Product Review
- User registration
- Birthday
- Visit a post, page or url
- Send a referral email
- Referee registration
- Referee spends money
- Referee Orders
- Referee buys products
- Referee buys in categories
- Share on social networks
- Visitor clicks a social share
- Receive Badges
- Registration Anniversary
- Post a comment
- Click an image
- Publish a post
- Recurrent Visit
- Rewards 11
- WooCommerce Display 4
- Emails 7
- Shortcodes 7
- API 8
- Developer Resources 2
- The Newsletter Plugin Subscription
- MC4WP Mailchimp subscription
- Points and Rewards System Limitation
- Referrals Information
- Points History Excel Export
- Points for Coupon
- Settings Migration
- Subscription Coupon Reward
- Partial Refund Reward
- The Scheduler
- Delayed and Recurring Points
- Points Synchronization
- Play Together 2
- Translations and WPML 2
- Changelog 1
- Knowledge Base
- WooRewards
- Shortcodes
- Users Information
You can use the following shortcodes to display informations to your customers about their status
Points History
This shortcode displays a user’s points history.
Here are the available options for this shortcode :
- system : (Optional, comma separated) Select the points and rewards systems you want to show. If left empty, all active systems are displayed. You can find the points and rewards systems names in WooRewards → Settings
- count : (Optional) The number of rows to display. Default is 15.
- columns : (Optional) The Columns to display (comma separated). The order in which you specify the columns will be the grid columns order. If not specified, the history will display the points and rewards system name, date, reason and points movement columns. Here are the different options available
- system : The points and rewards system’s name.
- date : The date at which the points movement happened.
- descr : The operation’s description.
- points : The amount of points earned or lost during the operation.
- total : The new total of points in the user’s reserve at the end of the operation.
- headers : (Optional) The column headers (comma separated). Must be specified if you specified the columns option. The headers must respect the same order than the ones of the previous option.
User Name and Title
This shortcode displays the user name and title
[wr_user_name title="yes"]
Here are the available options for this shortcode
- title : Shows the title if user unlocked a title reward.
- raw : Defines if the name and title are put in stylable elements or not.
User Nickname and Title
This shortcode displays the user’s nickname (if any) and title
[wr_nickname title="yes"]
Here are the available options for this shortcode
- title : Shows the title if user unlocked a title reward.
- raw : Defines if the nickname and title are put in stylable elements or not.
This shortcode displays a leaderboard of your customers for a specific Points and Rewards System.
In order to use this shortcode, you must enable the feature first in WooRewards → Settings → General Settings. If you enable it, customers will have the possibility to choose if they want to appear or not in the leaderboard from their account page.
[wr_leaderboard system='system_name' count='15']
Here are the available options for this shortcode :
- system :
The points and rewards system for which you want to display the leaderboard. You can find this value in MyRewards → points and rewards systems, in the Shortcode Attribute column. - count : (Optional) The number of rows to display. Default is 15.
- columns : (Optional) The Columns to display (comma separated). The order in which you specify the columns will be the grid columns order. If not specified, the leaderboard will display the rank, user nickname and points total of the users. Here are the different options available
- rank : The user’s rank in the leadeboard.
- user_nickname : The user’s display name.
- points : The user’s points in the points and rewards system.
- badges : The badges owned by the customer. This will display the badges images and their titles on mouseover.
- last_badge : The last badge earned by the customer. This will display the badge image and its title on mouseover.
- achievements : The achievements unlocked by the customer. This will display the unlocked badges images and their titles on mouseover.
- user_title : Displays the user title if he earned one.
- title_date : Displays when the user earned his/her title.
- columns_headers : (Optional) The column headers (comma separated). Must be specified if you specified the columns option. The headers must respect the same order than the ones of the previous option.
- badge_ids : (Optional) Restriction to specific badges (comma separated). By default, all badges can be displayed in the relevant columns. You can restrict that to a specific list of badges.
- achievement_ids : (Optional) Restriction to specific achievements (comma separated). By default, all achievements can be displayed in the relevant columns. You can restrict that to a specific list of achievements.