Rewards and Levels
Rewards and Levels
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- Rewards 11
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- WooRewards
- Shortcodes
- Rewards and Levels
Use the following shortcodes to display information relative to rewards and levels to your customers.
Use this shortcode to show to your customers the rewards they can earn with your loyalty program.
Minimal Use
Here’s how to use this shortcode with the fewest options possible.
Extended Use
Here’s how the shortcode looks with all possible options. Check the options in the next section to find out how to use them.
[wr_rewards system="system_name" layout="grid" element="tile" display="formatted" showname="true" force="true"]
Here are the options you can set in that shortcode
- system : (Optional, comma separated) Select the points and rewards systems you want to show. If left empty, all active systems are displayed. You can find the points and rewards systems names in WooRewards → Settings
- layout : (Optional) Select how reward elements are organized . 4 possible values
- none : Default value. Simple text without stylable elements
- grid : Elements are displayed in a responsive grid
- horizontal : Elements are displayed in a row
- vertical : Elements are displayed on top of another
- element : (Optional) Select how a reward element is displayed. 3 possible values
- none : Default value. Simple text without stylable elements
- tile : Stylable tile with a background color
- line : Horizontal display in stylable elements
- display : (Optional) Select how the points are displayed. 2 possible values
- formatted : Default value. Points are formatted with the points currency/name
- simple : Only the points balance numeric value is displayed
- showname : (Optional) If set, will force the display of the points and rewards system name
- force : (Optional) If set, possible rewards will be visible to unlogged customers
Available Rewards
Use this shortcode to show to your customers the rewards they can unlock with their points as well as the possibility to unlock them.
Minimal Use
Here’s how to use this shortcode with the fewest options possible.
Extended Use
Here’s how the shortcode looks with all possible options. Check the options in the next section to find out how to use them.
[wr_available_rewards system="system_name" showname="true" applyreward="true" redirection=""]
Here are the options you can set in that shortcode
- system : (Optional, comma separated) Select the points and rewards systems you want to show. If left empty, all active systems are displayed. You can find the points and rewards systems names in WooRewards → Settings
- layout : (Optional) Select how reward elements are organized . 4 possible values
- none : Simple text without stylable elements
- grid : Elements are displayed in a responsive grid
- horizontal : Elements are displayed in a row
- vertical : Default value. Elements are displayed on top of another
- element : (Optional) Select how a reward element is displayed. 3 possible values
- none : Simple text without stylable elements
- tile : Stylable tile with a background color
- line : Default value. Horizontal display in stylable elements
- display : (Optional) Select how the points are displayed. 2 possible values
- formatted : Default value. Points are formatted with the points currency/name
- simple : Only the points balance numeric value is displayed
- showname : (Optional) If set, will force the display of the points and rewards system name
- applyreward : (Optional) If set, the reward will be automatically applied to the cart in addition to its unlock. Only applies for coupon type rewards
- applyonly : (Optional) If set, only rewards that can be applied on the cart are displayed
- redirection : (Optional) If set, customers will be redirected to the set url. Otherwise, customers will either be redirected to the cart page (if the rewards has to be applied) or to the current page
- available : (Optional, default is ‘true’) If set, customers will see rewards they are able to unlock
- unavailable : (Optional, default is ‘false’) If set, customers will also see rewards they don’t have enough points to unlock, without the possibility to unlock them
Available Coupons
Use this shortcode to display a list of their available coupons to your customers.
Minimal Use
Here’s how to use this shortcode with the fewest options possible.
Extended Use
Here’s how the shortcode looks with all possible options. Check the options in the next section to find out how to use them.
[wr_available_coupons buttons="true" reload="true"]
Here are the options you can set in that shortcode
- layout : (Optional) Select how the coupons list is displayed. 4 possible values
- none : Simple text without stylable elements
- grid : Elements are displayed in a responsive grid
- horizontal : Elements are displayed in a row
- vertical : Default value. Elements are displayed on top of another
- element : (Optional) Select how a coupon element is displayed. 3 possible values
- none : Simple text without stylable elements
- tile : Stylable tile with a background color
- line : Default value. Horizontal display in stylable elements
- buttons : (Optional) If set to true, apply buttons are added on each element to apply the coupon on the cart. Default is false
- reload : (Optional) Only applies if buttons is set to true. If set to true, clicking an apply button will refresh the page.
- applyreward : (Optional) If set, the reward will be automatically applied to the cart in addition to its unlock. Only applies for coupon type rewards
Progress Bar
This shortcode displays a progress bar for a points and rewards system. This is very useful to incentivise customers to reach a higher level.
[wr_progress_bar system="system_name" header="Your Current Progress"]
Here are the available options for this shortcode
- system : Mandatory.The points and rewards system you want to display. You can find this value in WooRewards → Settings, in the Shortcode Attribute column.
- header : The text displayed before the progress bar
User Level
This shortcode displays the current user level in a leveling points and rewards system.
[wr_user_level system="system_name" nolevel="No level message"]
Here are the available options for this shortcode
- system : Mandatory.The points and rewards system you want to display. You can find this value in WooRewards → Settings, in the Shortcode Attribute column.
- nolevel : The text displayed if the user didn’t reach the first level