Points Information
Points Information

Knowledge Base

Use the following shortcodes to display information relative to points to your customers.

Points Balance

This shortcode will show to your customers how many points they currently have in 1 or more points reserves.

Minimal Use

Here’s how to use this shortcode with the fewest options possible. If you use this, the tool will only display a standard text with the points balance value.


Extended Use

Here’s how the shortcode looks with all possible options. Check the options in the next section to find out how to use them.

[wr_points_balance system="system_name" layout="grid" element="tile" display="formatted" showname="true"]


Here are the options you can set in that shortcode

  • system : (Optional, comma separated) Select the points and rewards systems you want to show. If left empty, all active systems are displayed. You can find the points and rewards systems names in WooRewards → Settings
  • layout : (Optional) Select how the points balance elements are organized . 4 possible values
    • none : Default value. Simple text without stylable elements
    • grid : Elements are displayed in a responsive grid
    • horizontal : Elements are displayed in a row
    • vertical : Elements are displayed on top of another
  • element : (Optional) Select how the points balance element is displayed. 3 possible values
    • none : Default value. Simple text without stylable elements
    • tile : Stylable tile with a background color
    • line : Horizontal display in stylable elements
  • display : (Optional) Select how the points are displayed. 2 possible values
    • formatted : Default. Points are formatted with the points currency/name
    • simple : Only the points balance numeric value is displayed
  • showname : (Optional) If set, will force the display of the points and rewards system name

Earn Points

Use this shortcode to show to your customers how they can earn loyalty points.

Minimal Use

Here’s how to use this shortcode with the fewest options possible.


Extended Use

Here’s how the shortcode looks with all possible options. Check the options in the next section to find out how to use them.

[wr_earn_points system="system_name" layout="grid" element="tile" display="formatted" showname="true" showunlogged="true"]


Here are the options you can set in that shortcode

  • system : (Optional, comma separated) Select the points and rewards systems you want to show. If left empty, all active systems are displayed. You can find the points and rewards systems names in WooRewards → Settings
  • layout : (Optional) Select how to organize methods to earn points elements. 4 possible values
    • none : Default value. Simple text without stylable elements
    • grid : Elements are displayed in a responsive grid
    • horizontal : Elements are displayed in a row
    • vertical : Elements are displayed on top of another
  • element : (Optional) Select how a method to earn points element is displayed. 3 possible values
    • none : Default value. Simple text without stylable elements
    • tile : Stylable tile with a background color
    • line : Horizontal display in stylable elements
  • display : (Optional) Select how the points are displayed. 2 possible values
    • formatted : Default. Displays points with the points currency/name
    • simple : Only the points balance numeric value is displayed
  • showname : (Optional) If set, will force the display of the points and rewards system name for each method to earn points
  • showunlogged : (Optional) If set, methods to earn points will be visible to unlogged customers

Points Value

Use this simple shortcode is to display to your customers how much their points are worth. However, this only works if your points and rewards system is set to points on cart.

[wr_points_value system="system_name" text="Your points are worth "]


Here are the available options for this shortcode

  • system : Mandatory. The points and rewards system you want to display. You can find this value in WooRewards → Settings, in the Shortcode Attribute column. Customers won’t see anything if you don’t set this value.
  • text : If you set content here, customers will see it before the points value.
  • raw : (Optional) If set to true, the result will be displayed as a simple text. Otherwise, it will be wrapped in stylable elements

Points Expiration

This shortcode displays the date where user points will expire. It only works for inactivity points expiration.

[wr_points_expiration system="system_name"]


Here are the available options for this shortcode

  • system : The points and rewards system you want to display. You can find this value in WooRewards → Settings, in the Shortcode Attribute column. If you don’t set a value, customers will see points expiration for all systems.
  • force : (Optional) If set, the points will be shown even if the user currently doesn’t have access to the points and rewards system.
  • format : Set the date format to display the date. Set this to ‘days’ to display a number of days instead of a date
  • raw : (Optional) Defines if the date is put in stylable elements or not.

Transactional Points Expiration

This shortcode shows to customers a table that indicates when their points will expire.. It only works for transactional points expiration.

[wr_transactional_ points_expiration system="system_name"]


Here are the available options for this shortcode

  • system : Mandatory.The points and rewards system you want to display. You can find this value in WooRewards → Settings, in the Shortcode Attribute column.
  • force : (Optional) If set, the points will be shown even if the user currently doesn’t have access to the points and rewards system.
  • columns : (Optional) The list of columns to display in: system, points, expiry, reason, date. Defaults is points, expiry.
  • titles : (Optional) The list of columns titles. If not provided, default titles are used. Set it empty for no header at all.

Points to next level

This shortcode displays the points needed to reach the next level/reward of a points and rewards system.
Use it to motivate customers to reach a higher level.

[wr_next_level_points system="system_name"]


Here are the available options for this shortcode

  • system : Mandatory. The points and rewards system you want to display. You can find this value in WooRewards → Settings, in the Shortcode Attribute column. Customers won’t see anything if you don’t set this value.
  • prefix : (Optional) The text displayed before the points needed.
  • suffix : (Optional) The text displayed after the points needed.
  • currency : (Optional) If set, the points will be displayed with the points and rewards system’s currency.

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