Points Synchronization
Points Synchronization
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- Points Synchronization
This PREMIUM add-on lets you synchronise points movement between different websites.
Purchase and Installation
First you need to download and install the Add-On. Go to the following page:
Click the Add to Cart button. It will open a new tab in your browser. Proceed with the purchase. As a result, you will receive an email with a link to download the plugin’s zip file. Once you have the file, do the following:
Select your zip file and upload it. At the end of the process, click on Activate.
The next thing to do is to activate your license for the Add-On. Check your order confirmation email and copy the license key you can find inside. Then, go to the following page :
Find the Installed Extensions group and you should see the addon in the list. Paste your license key here and click on the button to activate it. That’s it, the Add-On is active and you can start using it.
This solution is a synchronisation plugin that must be installed alongside WooRewards on all websites. In addition, here are some extra requirements
- On all WooRewards websites, you should set up a similar points and rewards system. Rewards have to be the same on all websites so that customers don’t see the difference.
- Methods to earn points however can be different from one website to another if need be.
- Mails have to be configured on only one website so that customers don’t receive multiple emails when they unlock a reward or a level.
Points Expiration Warning
If points expire, they will need to be configured on each website as they won’t be synchronized.
This synchronization plugin will synchronize all points movements except the ones done by the plugin itself and the points expiration.
Manual Points movement
If the administrator decides to add/subtract points to a user on any website of the network, all other websites will be updated
Local site information
This entry displays all required information to fill the Remote sites on other websites. Each synced website must be set in all other websites’ Remote sites list.
These options are not editable.
- Sharing key : This is a unique identifier that you will require in the Remote site setting. You can use the dedicated button to copy the key.
- Your local URL : This is the local URL that will be asked inside the Remote URL on other websites.
- Your Secret Auth : This is your unique secret Authentication key for the current website.
- Your Secret Pass : This is your unique secret Password for the current website.
Remote sites
This list will show you all Remote synced websites, also showing you a Status column of the last synced action.
Click on the Add button to add another website into your Remote site list.
Set the required settings :
- Remote Site : All information required to target the right Points Reserve.
- Sharing key : Set the Sharing key from the Remote server.
- Target Point Reserve : Go to MyRewards → Points and Rewards from the Remote server and copy paste the Points Reserve id in this field.
- Observed Point Reserve : Select the local Points reserved that will be synced.
- API : All information required to log into the Remote server.
- URL : Set the remote URL you can find in the Local URL display from your Remote Points Sync.
- Auth. : Set the remote Authentication key.
- Pass. : Set the remote Password.
When you save the line, the plugin will try to ping the Remote server to check the settings and tells you if there is an error.
Advanced Settings
Here you can change some advanced settings like how many time you want the plugin to try to sync before it comes into an error.
- Max sync. attempt : Set the maximum synchronization attempt before it will be indicated to fail into the Remote list Status.
- Delay between new attempt (in seconds) : Set the delay between 2 attempt if it fails on any try.
- Period covered by statistics (in days) : This only affects Status column in the Remote sites list. Errors over this value will be ignored.
- Warning Period (in days) : This only affects Status column in the Remote sites list. Set the Number of day since the last error before a synchronization point turn Green again.