Buy Specific Products
Buy Specific Products

Knowledge Base

The Buy Specific Products action rewards customers with a fixed amount of points when they purchase a product in a list of products you selected.

Customer order
The customer places an order on your website
Order validation
After delivering the order products, you validate the order and change its status to “Processing” or “Complete”
Points distribution
WooRewards checks if the order contains products from the list and gives the points if necessary

As you can see in the above workflow, WooRewards doesn’t give points right away. The order has to get the appropriate order status for that.

Set up the action

To add this customer action, you first need to create a points and rewards system. If you haven’t already, please create one by following this part of the documentation.

Now that you are in the points and rewards system edition, do the following

Follow these steps

Points Group
Click Add
Select Orders
Select Buy Specific Products
Click Next

In the popup, you’ll see a lot of options. Let’s detail them below so that you understand how to use them.

Action to perform

  • Action title : Name of the action. Your customers will see this information on various places. You can rename it how you want.

Points settings

  • Earned points : The amount of points they will earn for placing the order.
  • Max Triggers : Defines how many times this action can be triggered by each user. Leave empty for unlimited times or set an integer value.


  • Product(s) : Select the products the customer has to buy to earn points.
  • Quantity Multiplier : Check this box to give points for each product unit instead of only once per product.
  • Currency : (only available if the currency settings is on) Set the currency that will be required to trigger this action.
  • Affected orders : Choose which orders will give points or not. If left empty, all orders will give points. In addition, this field works like when you use a printer :
    • 1, 5, 10 : This will give points for the first, fifth and tenth customer’s order.
    • 1-5, 10-15 : This will give points for the five first customer orders and orders from ten to fifteen.
  • Order created via : Set the order’s origin(s) that will give points. Useful if you have different ways to receive new orders.
  • Payment gateway : Select which payment gateways the customer has to use in order to get the points.
  • Order type : This option is only available if you have the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. Select if you want to give points for all orders or only subscription ones.


  • Referral Origin : If left empty, all orders will give points. However, you can choose to only give points for orders that come from referrals.

Set all the options you need and click the Save button when you’re done.

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