Referrals and Social Share
Referrals and Social Share

Knowledge Base

In this section, you will find shortcodes to display referral and social share tools

Referral Link

Use this shortcode to show a referral link button. Customers can then share this link with their friends.



Here are the available options for this shortcode

  • mode : Select the type of referral link your customers will get
    • link : Default value. Customers will get an url link
    • qrcode : Customers will get a QR Code link
  • showlink : (Optional) If set, customers will see the referral link or QR-Code above the copy button
  • showbutton : (Optional, default is ‘true’) Show or hide the copy button
  • url : (Optional) By default, the shortcode shares the url of the page it’s displayed on. You can override that setting by setting an url in this option.
  • button : (Optional) Set the text customers will see on the copy button
  • copied : (Optional) Set the text customers will see when the code is copied to the clipboard

Email Referral

This shortcode shows to customers a referral email form.



Here are the available options for this shortcode

  • header : The text displayed before the email referral.
  • button : The text displayed before the email referral.
  • unlogged : (Optional) If set to ON, unlogged users will be able to use the email referral.

Social Share

Use this shortcode to display the social share widget on your pages.



Here are the available options for this shortcode

  • header : A title displayed on top of the widget.
  • text : The text displayed before the share buttons.
  • url : (Optional) By default, the widget shares the url of the page it’s displayed on. You can override that setting by setting an url in this option
  • networks : (Optional) Comma separated list of Social Media to show. Available Networks are :
    • facebook : Facebook
    • twitter : Twitter
    • pinterest : Pinterest
    • linkedin : LinkedIn
    • whatsapp : WhatsApp
    • mewe : MeWe
  • showunconnected : (Optional) The widget must be displayed even if users are not connected.
  • alt : (Optional) A text to display if users are not connected.
  • popup : (Optional) Set it to true to open share dialog as popup instead of a new tab.
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