Order Confirmation Page and Email
Order Confirmation Page and Email

Knowledge Base

In most loyalty programs, customers earn points when they place an order. Therefore, it’s always welcome to let them know how many points they earn when doing so.

In this section, you’ll see how to configure WooCommerce’s order confirmation email and thank you page to display that information.

First, go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
Order Email Points Information

The first thing you’ll see is a couple of placeholders you can use to display dynamic information.

If multiple points and rewards systems give points for the same order, the text will be repeated for each system.

Here are the available options :

  • Enable Email Message : Enable this option to add a message to the order confirmation email
  • Enable Thanks Page Message : Enable this option to add a message to the thank you page
  • Enable Order Details Message : Enable this option to add a message to the order details message within the thank you page.
  • Points and Rewards Systems : By default, customers will see information for all systems that give points. You can restrict this by selecting only the desired systems here.
  • Email Text : This is the text shown to your customers in the various areas. Use the placeholders at your disposal for dynamic information
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