Share on social networks
Share on social networks

Knowledge Base

The Share on social networks action is used to give points to users when they share content from your website on a social network.

Content sharing
The customer shares an article or product from your website to a social network
automatic validation
At the time of writing there is no way to check on the social network if the content was shared. So we validate automaticaly the process when the link is shared
Points distribution
WooRewards gives the points to the user

This will give points as soon as your customers click the share button. It won’t connect to the social network to see if the share was really made.

With this action, customers can only earn points once for sharing a page on a social network. If you want to give points for sharing the same page on different social networks, you have to duplicate the action and have one action for each social network.

Set up the action

To add this customer action, you first need to create a points and rewards system. If you haven’t already, please create one by following this part of the documentation.

Now that you are in the points and rewards system edition, do the following

Follow these steps

Points Group
Click Add
Select Social Media
Select Share on social networks

In the popup, you’ll see a lot of options. Let’s detail them below so that you understand how to use them.

Action to perform

  • Action title : Name of the action. This information will be displayed to your customers. You can rename it how you want.

Points settings

  • Earned points : The amount of points earned when the user shares a content.
  • Cooldown : Use this option to limit the number of times a user can earn points in a set period of time.

Social network

  • Social network : Select the social networks for which customers will receive points on share.
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