Referee spends money
Referee spends money

Knowledge Base

The Referee spends money action is used to give points to sponsors when a person they sponsored spends money on your website. The amount of points earned depends on the amount of money spent on the order.

Referee order
The referee spends money on your website
Order validation
After delivering the order products, you validate the order and change its status to “Processing” or “Complete”
Points distribution
WooRewards checks the order amount and calculates the amount of points to give to the customer

Set up the action

To add this customer action, you first need to create a points and rewards system. If you haven’t already, please create one by following this part of the documentation.

Now that you are in the points and rewards system edition, do the following

Follow these steps

Points Group
Click Add
Select Referral
Click Referee spends money

You will see a screen with many options.

Let’s review the different options available :

Action to perform

  • Action title : Name of the action. This information will be displayed to your customers. You can rename it how you want.
  • Priority : Can only be used if the feature is activated. You can activate it going here Settings > General Settings > General Settings

Points settings

  • Money spent : The amount to spend in order to get points.
  • Earned points : The amount of points earned for each multiple of the Money spent value


  • Guest order : Check this box if you want to allow sponsors to get points for guest orders. If so, sponsored won’t have to register for the sponsor to earn points.
  • Include shipping amount : Check this box if you want the shipping fees to be included in the order amount for calculating the amount spent.
  • Use amount after discount : Check this box to deduce the amount of used coupons for calculating the amount spent.
  • Threshold effect : If checked, customers will earn points for each multiple of the Money spent value. If unchecked, points will be rounded to the closest value.
  • Minimum order amount : Set a minimum order amount under which no points will be given.
  • Currency : (Only available if the currency settings is on) Set the currency that will be required to trigger this points event.
  • Affected orders : Choose which orders will give points or not. If left empty, all orders will give points. See examples below to see how to use this option.
  • Order created via : Set the order’s origin(s) that will give points. Useful if you have different ways to receive new orders.

Allow / Deny Categories

  • Allowed categories : If left empty, all bought products can give loyalty points. If you set one or more categories, only the products which belong to these categories will award points.
  • Denied categories : If left empty, all bought products are taken into account. If you set one or more categories, the products which belong to these categories won’t be used.


  • Sponsorship Origin : If you only want to give points for certain kinds of sponsorships. Here are the different possibilities :
    • Sponsorship email : Gives points for people sponsored by email
    • Sponsorship link : Gives points for people sponsored by a sponsorship link.
    • Any social network : Gives points for people sponsored by a link shared on a social network.
    • Specific social networks : Select the social network for which you want to give points.

Affected Orders examples

Here are some examples of how you can use this option :

  • 1 : This will give points only for the first customer’s order.
  • 1-10 : This will give points only for the ten first customer’s orders.
  • 1,5,10,20-50 : This will give points for the orders 1, 5 and 10 and all orders between the 20th and 50th.
Use amount after discount and categories restrictions are mutually exclusive. You can’t use both.

WooCommerce Subscriptions Information

WooRewards Subscriptions users will see another setting in addition to other settings :

Order type : You can decide which type of order will give points. The possibilities are : All orders, Initial subscriptions, Subscription renewals, Orders with no subscriptions.

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