WooCommerce Display
WooCommerce Display

Virtual Wallet offers different tools to display content on your WooCommerce Pages. We’ll see them in detail here.

My Account Page

Use this tab to display information relative to the customer’s wallet. Go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry

Wallet Tab

Look at the Wallet Tab group where you can set the following options :

  • Enable : Turn this on to show the Wallet Tab on the My Account page.
  • Tab Title : The name of the tab.
  • Slug : The tab’s url to your customers. It will look like https://yourwebsite.com/my-account/the_url_slug_you_chose
  • Role restriction : By default, all users can see this tab if you enable it. However, you can restrict the visibility to a list of user roles by selecting them here.
  • Content page : Select the page in which you want to display wallet information. By default, Virtual Wallet creates a page but you can change it at any time.
  • Edit the page : Click this link to open the standard wordpress page edition where you can set your tab content.
  • Create a new default page : Use the “Content page” and create the default content inside it (titles and shortcodes)

You have total control over what you display on this page. You can use your standard page builder or set text content like for a regular post.

To display loyalty information, use the shortcodes provided by Virtual Wallet. You will find them by going to :

WordPress Admin
Virtual Wallet

Gift Cards Tab

Look at the Gift CardsTab group where you can set the following options :

  • Enable : Turn this on to show the Gift Cards Tab on the My Account page.
  • Tab Title : The name of the tab.
  • Slug : The tab’s url to your customers. It will look like https://yourwebsite.com/my-account/the_url_slug_you_chose
  • Role restriction : By default, all users can see this tab if you enable it. However, you can restrict the visibility to a list of user roles by selecting them here.
  • Content page : Select the page in which you want to display wallet information. By default, Virtual Wallet creates a page but you can change it at any time.
  • Edit the page : Click this link to open the standard wordpress page edition where you can set your tab content.
  • Create a new default page : Use the “Content page” and create the default content inside it (titles and shortcodes)

You have total control over what you display on this page. You can use your standard page builder or set text content like for a regular post.

To display loyalty information, use the shortcodes provided by Virtual Wallet. You will find them by going to :

WordPress Admin
Virtual Wallet

Cart and Checkout Pages

You can disply various information and tools on the cart and checkout pages. Let’s detail them here.

Gift Card Use

Go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry

This tool lets you display an input field where your customers can input a gift card code. After applying the code and if it’s a valid gift card, they will either get a discount on the cart or add the amount of the gift card to their wallet credit.

Here are the options available to display this tool on WooCommerce Pages :

  • Cart Display : Select the cart page display position from the choices
    • Not displayed at all : The tool will not be displayed inside the cart page.
    • Between products and totals : The tool will be displayed between the products list and the total summary.
    • Aside from cart totals : The tool will be displayed aside from cart totals.
  • Reload cart page : By default, applying a Gift Card will provoke a javascript (ajax) update. Check this box if the default behavior doesn’t work.
  • Checkout Display : Select the checkout page display position from the choices
    • Not displayed at all : The tool will not be displayed inside the checkout page.
    • Top of the page : The tool will be displayed on the top of the page.
    • Before customer details : The tool will be displayed before the customer details.
    • Before order review : The tool will be displayed before the order review.
  • Reload checkout page : By default, applying a Gift Card will provoke a javascript (ajax) update. Check this box if the default behavior doesn’t work.

Partial Payment

The partial payment tool allows your customers to discount a part of the order by using their wallet credit. However, if customers use it, WooCommerce will consider this as a discount.

The partial payment tool needs to be visible on the cart page, the checkout page or both in order to be used by customers. In order to do that, go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry

You will find here different options to set up the tool :

  • Cart Display : Decide where you want to display the partial payment tool on the cart page.
  • Reload cart page after amount modification : By default, the cart is updated if you click the Apply button. However, some plugins prevent the update to run smoothly. In that case, checking that page will force the page to reload to get a correct result.
  • Checkout Display : Decide where you want to display the partial payment tool on the checkout page.
  • Reload checkout page after amount modification : By default, the checkout is updated if you click the Apply button. However, some plugins prevent the update to run smoothly. In that case, checking that page will force the page to reload to get a correct result.
  • Subtotal row header : Enter the header that will be displayed in WooCommerce’s subtotals part.
  • Styling tool : Change how the partial payment tool is displayed to customers. Select the elements you want to change or simply enter CSS rules.

Gems Total

The cart total tool is a display only tool that you can set on the cart or checkout page.

To set up the cart total tool, go to this page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry

There are different options that you can set in that part :

  • Show even if not used : Select if you want to show the tool even if there’s no gems products on the cart.
  • Cart Display : Select how to display the cart total tool on the cart page.
  • Checkout Display : Select how to display the cart total tool on the checkout page.
  • Styling : Edit the style and look of the cart total tool.
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