Standard Wallet Settings
Standard Wallet Settings

The standard wallet is the wallet that uses your WooCommerce currency. In addition, it supports multi-currency plugins natively without any specific settings.

To begin setting up the standard wallet, go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
Wallet Settings

Basic Settings

First, take a look at the Wallet Rules group. It has the following options :

  • Wallet credit can’t be bought with the wallet : Customers can’t use the Virtual Wallet payment method if the order contains a product that feeds the Virtual Wallet.
  • Shipping fees can be paid with Virtual Money : Decide if customers can use their wallet to pay shipping fees or not
  • Fees and charges can be paid with Virtual Money : Some plugins will add fees and charges to orders. You can include or exclude these from wallet payment.

Secondly, take a look at the Product purchase source group. Inside this group, you set general rules on how customers can use the wallet for buying products. These rules are general and you can override them in the woocommerce’s product edition page.

  • Products buyable with : Set the global rule for using wallet credit on your products
    • Both real and virtual money can be used : Customers can use virtual credit on all products
    • Real Money only : Customers can’t use virtual credit on products
    • Virtual Wallet only : Customers can only purchase products with the wallet. Warning ! This value will prevent your customers to buy regular products with usual payment methods
  • Categories options : Override the global settings for specific categories.


Customers can earn cashback on their wallet when they buy products from your store. You can set cashback rules on product categories. However, you can also override these settings on a product basis.

First, check the Cashback Settings group.

  • Add purchased wallet money on order status change : Select for which order status customers will earn the cashback
  • Order statuses to confiscate wallet money : In case of a refund, select which order status will result in a cashback removal from the customer’s wallet.

The second group to look at is Cashback amounts by category. Click the Add button to see a popup where you can set 3 different options

  • Categories : Select the product categories for which you want the cashback rule to apply
  • Behavior : Set if you want to give a fix amount of credit or if the credit will depend on the product’s price
  • Value : The amount of credit to give (either a fix value or a percentage of the product’s price)

Partial Payment

With Virtual Wallet, customers can pay their orders partially with their wallet if you let them. To enable this feature, go to the Partial Payment group and set the following options :

  • Enable partial payment : Enable or disable the feature for your customers
  • Partial payment tool display : We cover this part in the appearance part of the documentation
  • Order statuses : Like for the cashback, the plugin will use or refund wallet credit depending on the order statuses :
    • Pay : Deduce the partial payment amount from the customer’s wallet when the order reaches one of the selected statuses
    • Failure : Select the order status to set if, for some reason, the system can’t process the partial payment.
    • Refund : Select for which order statuses the partial payment amount is refunded to the customer.

In addition to the partial payment options, you can set restrictions. Indeed, you may want to restrict how much of their wallet credit customers can use on a single order. In order to achieve this, go to the Payment Restrictions group. There, you will find the following options :

  • Limit Partial Payment to a percentage of cart total : The maximum amount a customer can spend in a single cart to a percentage of the payable total. Leave blank for no limit.
  • Lower Cart Limit : If set, customers can’t use their wallet credit to discount the cart below that limit. Leave empty for no limit.
  • Minimum Cart Amount : Set a minimum cart amount under which customers can’t use their wallet credit. Once the cart total is above that value, customers will be able to use their wallet credit. Leave empty for no minimum.
  • Alternative Text : The partial payment tool will display this text if the customer doesn’t reach the requirements to use partial payment.

Payment Gateway

Finally, you can use the wallet as a standard payment gateway. In order to enable this, click on the Setup Virtual Wallet as a Payment Gateway link in the Wallet Rules group.

In the new page, there are several options to set :

  • Enable/Disable : Enable or disable the payment gateway
  • Allow subscription payment : Define if you allow the use of the virtual wallet to pay for subscriptions (only with the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin)
  • Title : Title of the gateway. This title is visible in the checkout page.
  • Description : Description of the gateway. This description is visible in the checkout page.
  • Instructions : Instructions on how to use the gateway.
  • Not logged user message : Only logged on users can use their wallet ( Guests can’t pay with the wallet). This message will be visible if the used isn’t logged in.
  • Hide if not allowed : If the customer can’t pay with his wallet credit, the normal behavior is to display a message explaining why he can’t. If you check that box, the gateway will be invisible instead of displaying a message.
  • Show balance : Check the box if you want to display the customer’s wallet balance in the gateway.
  • Show icon : Show the wallet icon on the gateway.
  • Apply as a discount : By default, orders paid with virtual wallet money will be included in WooCommerce’s net sales amounts. If you apply the payment as a discount, order total is will be zero and is won’t count in monthly results.
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