Wallets Management
Wallets Management

Users Wallet

In your WordPress administration, go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
Users Wallet

In that window, you can see and edit your customers wallets. You can see the customers wallets balances in the Wallet Balance column. To search for a specific customer, use the Narrow your search field on top.

To edit a customer’s wallet balance, select the desired user by checking the appropriate box. You can then use the Modify User Wallet Amount tool filling :

  • Amount : Fill with the desired amount to add to selected customers wallet. You can use several way to change the customers wallet :
    • Set a positive amount and click the Apply button : This will add the amount to the current wallet balance.
    • Set a negative amount and click the Apply button : This will deduct the amount to the current wallet balance.
    • Set an amount with a = sign before and click the Apply button : This sets the amount to the exact input value.
  • Wallet Selection : Select for which wallet, standard or gems, you want to change the amount.
  • Reason : Set a reason to the added amount for the historical view of the customers wallet.

WordPress Users administration screen


This part is only available in the Standard Mode not in Gems mode.

In your WordPress administration, go to Users.

In that window, you can see and edit your customers wallets. You can see the customers wallets balances in the Virtual Wallet column. To seach for a specific customer, use the Search field on top.

To edit a customer’s wallet balance, select the desired user by checking the appropriate box. Then, set a value :

  • Set an amount and click the Add to Virtual Wallets : This will add the amount to the current wallet balance.
  • Set a negative amount and click the Add to Virtual Wallets : This will deduct the amount to the current wallet balance.
  • Set an amount with a = sign before and click the Add to Virtual Wallets : This set the amount to the exact input value.
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