Gems Wallet Settings
Gems Wallet Settings

The gems wallet uses your custom currency. You can name it like you want and also set an image instead of a text to display it. In addition, you can create gems products that customers can only buy using gems. In this part of the documentation, we’ll see how to set it up. First, go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
Wallet Settings


The first thing you should do is create your currency. Look at the Currency group and set the following options :

  • Currency : Name of your currency. Will be visible next to all currency amounts.
  • Currency (plural) : If set, you will see it instead of the basic currency name if the amount is > 1.
  • Currency Symbol : The image of your currency.
  • Currency position : For amounts display, select the location of the currency name.

Gems Settings

Secondly there are some rules you have to set regarding orders. Look at the Gems Settings group and set the following options :

  • Gems total display : Click on the link to style the tool and select its display location.
  • Orders status to use Gems : Select the order status for which you will deduct gems.
  • Orders status on payment failure : Select the order status to set on orders if gems cannot be paid after all.
  • Orders status for refund : Select the order status for which you will refund gems.


You can give gems to your customers when they purchase products on your website. For this reason, you can use this feature either to sell gems or to reward customers with gems when they purchase on your website.

Let’s start by setting the base order rules regarding gems cashback. Go to the Cashback settings group and set the following options :

  • Add purchased Gems on order status change : Select the order status at which you will give gems
  • Order statuses to confiscate Gems : If you refund or cancel an order, select if you want to also remove the gems

After that, go to the Cashback amounts by category group. Click the Add button to see a popup where you can set 3 different options :

  • Categories : Select the product categories for which you want the cashback rule to apply
  • Behavior : Set if you want to give a fix amount of gemsor if the amount will depend on the product’s price
  • Value : The amount of gems to give (either a fix value or a percentage of the product’s price)

Gems to discount

Another interesting gems feature is the gems to discount feature. Indeed, thanks to this feature, customers that don’t want to purchase gems products can spend their gems to get discounts on regular products.

Go to the Gems to Discount group. You first need to enable the feature. There’s also a second option to force the cart page to reload after applying gems on the cart. Check it only if the feature isn’t working properly without.

You can add several gems to discount possibilities. Click the Add button to show a popup with various options :

  • Title: The title of the discount, visible in the cart page.
  • Discount description : If set, overrides the automatic description. Use [cost] and [value] for dynamic information
  • Cost : How much of your gems currency will be spent on that discount.
  • Discount Type : Select if the discount is a fix amount or a percentage of cart total
  • Discount Amount : The amount of the discount.
  • Individual use only : Select if customers can use only one discount on a cart or if they can use more than one.

You’ll see how to style the tool visible on the cart page in the Appearance part of this documentation.

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