WooCommerce My Account tab
WooCommerce My Account tab

Customers usually seek information regarding their personal information in the My Account page. Therefore, it’s a good idea to display information about Withdrawal on that page.

Permalinks and 404

If you see a 404 error when you try to access a my account tab, it means that you have a permalink issue with WordPress. In order to solve that, go to the Settings → Permalinks page, go down and click the Save Changes button. It will regenerate your website’s permalinks and solve the issue.


Use this tab to display information relative to Withdrawal requests and customer accounts. Go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
My Account Page - Withdrawal

Set the following options according to your needs :

  • Enable : Turn this on to show the My Withdrawals Tab on the My Account page.
  • Tab Title : The Displayed name of the tab.
  • Slug : The url showed to your customers. It will look like https://yourwebsite.com/my-account/the_url_slug_you_chose
  • Role restriction : By default, all users can see this tab if you enable it. However, you can restrict the visibility to a list of user roles by selecting them here.
  • Content page : Select the page in which you want to display the withdrawal information. By default, the plugin creates a page but you can change it at any time.
  • Edit the page : Click this link to open the standard wordpress page edition where you can set your own content.
  • Create a new default page : Use the “Content page” and create the default content inside it (titles and shortcodes)

You have total control over what you display on this page. You can use your standard page builder or set text content like for a regular post.

To display information and forms, use the shortcodes provided by the plugin. You will find them by going to :

WordPress Admin
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