Withdrawal Settings
Withdrawal Settings

Let’s talk about some miscellaneous options. It is where you fine tune the user’s experience. You can find them if the following plugin page:

WordPress Admin
Payouts Requests
Requests Options
  • User amount display fees included : Checked, user enters amounts including fees (what will be consumed). Unchecked, user enters amounts excluding fees (what he will receive).
  • Minimal amount : Prevent your customers to request too small amounts that will cost you too much.
  • Allow several pending requests for a same user : It seems preferable to make the customer wait until their request is resolved before requesting a new one. But you can turn off this option if you want.
  • Minimal delay between two requests : If your customers look too greedy, you can make them wait some days between two requests. The filed is empty by default. It means no such restriction setup since we first assume your customers are good fellows.
  • Request validation message : A validation appears after a user placed a request. But you can customize it if you want. Add your usual treatment delays, thanks them, etc. Deploy the inline help box near the text area to display the placeholders you can use in the text (to confirm the amount or the requested account for example).
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