Wire transfers
Wire transfers

Manual Payout

You may prefer sending money manually for better control or provide this payment method as a fallback. Either way, it will be up to you to perform the money transfer by any way at your disposal.

Enable this payment method by going to this page:

WordPress Admin
Your Payment methods
  • Enable : This allows users to enter a bank account and select this payment method for their withdrawal requests.
Wire Transfers does not require any third party API connection.
So there is no process automation available.


You can charge fees on users’ credit or leave the fields blank.

  • Fixed fee : Add a fixed fee for the transfer, charged on users’ credit for each payout. Leave empty for no fees.
  • Proportional fee : Add a proportional fee for the transfer, charged on users’ credit for each payout. Leave empty for no fees.

See Requests Options to setup if users see and set the amount with or without fees. Depending on the setting, users set the amount they will receive on their bank account or the amount that will be deducted from their credit.

This is not fees that the gateway could charge you for a wire transfer. This amount is charged on your customer local credits to discourage him from making too frequent small withdrawals.
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