Stripe Payout
Stripe offers payment-processing software and application programming interfaces for e-commerce websites. Here we can use it to manage automatically our customers withdrawal requests.
To use this service, you will have to create a Stripe account to be able to send money, but your customers will require to have a Stripe account too. The method for your customers to register on Stripe will be easier anyway, the interface for them is described here.
Enable and setup this payment method by going to this page:
Several keys are required for your website to connect to your Stripe account and process the Payout.
API Connection
First, you have to login to your Stripe account and visit the developer page.
Stripe authenticates your API requests using your account’s API keys. Use the Developers Dashboard to create, reveal, delete, and roll API keys.
- If you do not have a Stripe account yet, you will have to create one first.
- To access your v1 API keys, select the API Keys tab in your Dashboard.
All Stripe API requests occur in either test mode or live mode. Use test mode to access test data, and live mode to access actual account data. Each mode has its own set of API keys.
Toggle the current mode at top-right of Stripe website interface.
You can find your secret and publishable keys in API keys.
Copy/past Application’s Public Key and Application’s Secret Key into the relevant fields on your website. Then save changes.
When settings are saved, the plugin test the API connection and setup the payout feature for you. A notice should appear to report the success of the operation or any error.
With test key, no real money transfer occurs.
When going to live mode, be sure your Stripe account is completed or your customers will get an error trying to connect their own Stripe account. Visit your dashboard at to complete verification.
You can charge on your customer credits or leave the fields blank.
See Requests Options to setup if user set amount with or without fees.