Process transfers
Process transfers

Process and keep track of your customers’ withdrawal requests in the page below.

WordPress Admin
Payouts Requests

The admin side menu displays a red dot if there is at least one pending request.

The requests table

Each row is a withdrawal request. You can filter them by customer, status and so on.

A row indicates:

  • The customer : Who created the request.
  • The requested amount : Always excluding fees.
  • The status : Pending, On hold and Error are the ones that matter the most to you.
  • Actions : A set of button to process the request, see below.
  • Last update : The date of the last operation.
  • Account : In case of wire transfer, click on the i button to see the destination bank account.
  • Notes : You can take a note on the request (the last note may be included into the next email to the customer).
  • Connection : The origin of the customer’s credits.

Process requests

You can filter the Pending requests.

The Actions column provides contextual buttons to manage each requests sequentially. Keep your mouse over an action button to show a tool-tip.

The actions are:

  • Reject : You can simply refuse to pay. In that case, you will have to enter a reason that will be shared to your customer.
  • Process : Run the automatic transfer. This uses the third party Web Service you set up previously (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). Depending on the chosen payment method, this button may be not available, see below.
  • On hold : Simply mark the request, nothing more. The customer will not be able to cancel the request anymore. But you still have to perform the money transfer yourself.
  • Complete : Simply mark the request as done. To avoid confusing your customer, do not validate this if the money was not sent properly.
  • Revert : Restore the request to a pending state. Use it in case of mistake or to manage an Error status.
Wire Transfers cannot be done automatically. There is no Process simple button in that case.
You may prefer doing it manually for a better control or provide this payment method as a fallback. But it is up to you to perform the money transfer by any way at your disposal.

  • During this time, set the request to On Hold using the yellow i button to prevent the customer to cancel it.
  • Then, after transfer is confirmed, set the request to Completed using the blue Check button.

Customer’s view

The customer can see his own requests and statuses in the default My Account page content. You can display that content in your custom pages, look for user’s history in this documentation.

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