Inform your customers
Inform your customers

More information about shortcodes in WordPress documentation

This page only present the most used attributes. Find back the complete shortcodes documentation in the plugin itself.

WordPress Admin

User Balance

This shortcode will show to your customers how many cash they currently have. The amount depends on the plugin that embed the Payout module.


Take care about the source attribute. The source is pre-filled in the plugin inline documentation and you can just copy/past. Visit the Payout → Connections page for more information.

User History

Display the user’s transaction log. The history lines are filtered by plugin source and cannot be merged together.


This shortcode displays all requests of the customers in a table. You can customize the columns, but default shows the dates, amount, payment method and status. As long as a request is pending, a button allows the customer to cancel it.

Take care about the source attribute. The history lines are filtered by plugin source and cannot be merged together.

The source is pre-filled in the plugin inline documentation and you can just copy/past. Visit the Payout → Connections page for more information.

Minimum Withdraw

You can setup a minimal withdraw amount to avoid your customers to claim too small amount too often. Save your time and gateway fees. See Payout → Payout Request → Request Options.


The source attribute is not required here since you can only define a global value yet.

Money/Credit conversion rate

Since plugin unit can be different than real money (1 gem or 1 point can be worth something other than €1) this shortcode will show to your customers this rate. The value depends on the plugin that embed the Payout module and you setup it in the Payout → Connections page. The default rate 1↔1 though.

  • source : Take care about the source attribute. The source is pre-filled in the plugin inline documentation and you can just copy/past. Visit the Payout → Connections page for more information.
  • reverse : the displayed value is the amount in plugin unit of 1€ (or whatever is your default currency setup in WooCommerce). Set this attribute to yes to shows the value of 1 credit in real money instead.
  • decimal : this attribute expects an integer and set the rounding precision for display.

Fees information

For each gateway (Wire, Stripe, PayPal…) you can setup fees to avoid your customers to claim too small amount too often. Save your time and your gateway fees. See Payout → Your Payment Methods. Fees can be computed as fixed value, percent of the requested amount or the sum of both.

These fees are not the same you will pay by transaction to Stripe, PayPal or your bank (if any). This is a dissuasive amount removed from user’s balance in addition to the converted value, before you get the real amount to payout.

The source attribute is not required here since the value depends on the selected gateway, not the origin plugin.

  • gateway : Say if you talk about PayPal, Stripe or any other.
  • amount : It is, sometime, easier to explain with an example value. Set an amount and show an example of fees instead of a rate or a formula.
  • selector : This attribute expects a CSS selector to target a HTML input element in the page. The displayed fees will be updated with the input value change.
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