In this documentation, we’ll see how to set up the reward you’ll give to your referees each time they use a referral.
Referee Reward
First, when a referee comes to the website, it will either be thanks to a referral code link or by a simple link. Consequently, the referee will have to input the referral code manually or not. Either way, he will get his reward after applying the code. As a result, he will get the reward you specify in the following options
WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Here are the options you can set for referees :
- Enable : Select if you want to give a cart discount to referees or not
- Mode : Select the type of reward to give
- Fix amount : Referees will get a fix amount coupon on their cart
- Percent : Referees will get a percentage discount coupon on their cart
- Value : The coupon’s value
- Minimum spend : The coupon can only apply to carts above this amount
- Individual use only : If you check this box, referees won’t be able to use other coupons in addition to this one.
- Deny guests : If you check this box, referral codes are only accepted for logged in customers. Any referral code input form will be hidden for guests.
- Usable only once : (this option requires Deny guests to be toggled ON to be visible) this customer will ever only be able to use one referral code.