Advanced Settings
Advanced Settings

Knowledge Base

There are extra settings you can set regarding memberships. However, you should only change these settings if you know what you’re doing. To access these settings, go to the following page :

WordPress Admin
Admin menu
Menu entry
General Settings

Let’s review all the settings


In this group, there’s only one option. When customers buy a product that grants a membership, they usually get the membership when the order reaches the Processing status. You can change that to only grant the membership when the order reaches the Complete status

Restricted Access

When customers try to access restricted content that only members should access, they will see a 404 page by default.

By setting that option, you can redirect them to another page instead.

Extra prices rules

Use these extra rules with caution :

  • Enable discounts on sales prices : If checked, discounts will apply in addition to product sales.
  • Enable free products override : If checked, products with a price overridden to 0 will ignore the discount rules. That can fix cart problems with some Product Bundle plugins.
  • Products Decimals Rounding : When percentage discounts are applied on products, set the price rounding decimals.

Other Features

  • Hide VIP Stickers : If checked, VIP Stickers on products won’t be displayed
  • Visibility per product : If unchecked, VIP visibility Setting is still available in Product edition page but will be not applied anymore. Do this if you do not use it to save some processing time.
  • Purchasable per product : If unchecked, VIP purchasable Setting is still available in Product edition page but will be not applied anymore. Do this if you do not use it to save some processing time.
  • Menu Item Visibility : If unchecked, menu items will not be hidden depending on user membership. Do this if you do not use it to save some processing time.
  • Buffering trigger : Manage the floor that trigger taxonomy buffering. Set the amount of new request of post taxonomy in page. Let empty for no buffering. The exact value to set for a real positive impact on your site speed/load depends on your content. So try several values.
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